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Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:00 pm
by numberthirty_Archive
TheMilford wrote:I'm still alive guys... And slowly coming back to other life outside FB. I will read the last few pages of entries to make sure I didn't miss anything... Sorry I've been raising a kid and renovating a house.So we are about to launch some very big news. Of course I will announce here first before social media and our site. But needless to say, some of the most requested things are coming to fruition this year with the biggest news coming in the next few months. Cheers,Without getting all sappy, it's good to see you turn up.Interested in the big news.

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:00 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
I'm still alive guys... And slowly coming back to other life outside FB. I will read the last few pages of entries to make sure I didn't miss anything... Sorry I've been raising a kid and renovating a house.So we are about to launch some very big news. Of course I will announce here first before social media and our site. But needless to say, some of the most requested things are coming to fruition this year with the biggest news coming in the next few months. Cheers,

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:00 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
Ben Abraham wrote:A recurring struggle of mine has been dragging 300 lbs of bass equipment to shows to get into an argument with sound people who insist on running a DI. I've tried to figure the most respectful ways to explain that I would prefer the cabinet mic'ed up, I use amp overdrive and amp feedback, I play bass more like a guitar than a reggae dub bass. I have even gone to the extent to bring an SM57 with me (not ideal but it's fine for what I'm doing). I either have endure some lecture or have an argument where it feels like I'm pulling teeth just to get a live sound situation that I'm comfortable in. I have immense respect for sound people and presume that they want shows to "sound good" but that's a subjective opinion and a lot of times, sound people just don't get what I'm going for. Often times the bass mix in the monitors sound like muddy garbage, I feel lost on stage and it fucks me up while playing. /rantRather than let this effect my mood before a set, I want to see if I can run a DI via the Rusty Box. Again, sound people seem perplexed about how to run a DI through the Rusty Box so I was wondering if anyone here has a DI box hooked up to their Rusty Box so that I can just give the sound person a XLR output to just plug into. Any recommendations on a DI box / settings?Shit I hear you man.I know you've probably figured this out... but I should answer this for posterity.The main out on the rusty is a DI. Just get a TRS to male XLR cable and tell them this is a DI signal. The only thing it needs is to roll off above 10k. Because the crackle above 10k sound great rolled off though a speaker... but a little fizzy though a clean channel input.

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:00 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
teaser #1.

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Sat Jan 26, 2019 6:00 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
japmn wrote:My Rusty Box has developed a really high pitched whine. It's not super loud, but enough to keep me from using it. I was guessing that it's the wall wart but since it's 30volt I don't have a way to A/B it. Anyone else ever had this problem?Occasionally I have seen this... it could be a few things. firstly I would make sure the jacks and pot nuts are all tightened. if that doesn't solve it we are happy to look at it for a repair. Send an email to if you haven't already and mention your PRF name so I can find you. Cheers,

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:00 pm
by japmn_Archive
hmmm. anyone want to buy a version one Rusty Box? I think I see a new pedal I need.

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:00 pm
by n-eight_Archive
The tinypic tags also include "9v", so there's that.

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Tue Jan 29, 2019 6:00 pm
by tallchris_Archive
OOOOH level/gain knob for the boost?!?!?!TheMilford wrote:teaser #1.

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:00 pm
by Adam P_Archive
Music to my ears. Any idea what the approximate current draw for the 9V version will be? Guessing it ll be fairly hefty...250-300mA range.

Tronographic News Thread: RUSTY BOX & BOXIDIZER UPDATES

Posted: Wed Jan 30, 2019 6:00 pm
by TheMilford_Archive
Ok. I will let the cat out of the bag here only. The old 30v Rusty is about to be discontinued... and we are down to the last 2 units in stock.Then we will not have any for about 3 month. We are sad about that but we tried. Then the new version of the Rusty Box will be 9v. And will run on a typical pedal power supply. (no batteries though)Everything else about it is the same. We had the original designer update the art so the two versions are unique.We will probably have a preorder starting in February.