I remember reading somewhere on this forum that you had married your sweetheart from way back in High School days.
Really? Heck, what ISN'T of my personal information on the EA forums? Damn.
Was there a period where you were not attached to the sweetheart from way back in High School days or is this the only romantic love you have ever known?
Way, WAY back in High School days and before, sure, not attached. I only figured out how to whore around effectively about 9mos before my wife and I got together, though.
I'm not a guy who is, like, really needing to DATE or anything.
I promise I won't tell my girlfriend. She doesn't need to know that I post on internet forums. I hope she doesn't check my web history. I have an entire hidden browser for porn purposes-- But I would almost rather her find that than know that I post on the internet forums.
This is interesting behavior.
I don't do the porn thing, really. I will not deny that I have done the porn thing on occasion, but to the extent that it consumes any significant time or effort AT ALL, I'm not into it.
We're talking about a porn thing every 18mos or so. Tops.
Then again, I've been w/the same woman for a couple decades. Perhaps things would be different if this was not the case.
Ah Tim.
The new zombie movie. Will you see?
Zombies...better than gladiators. For sure. But only just.
Sorry, Tim, I set you up for that one.
I didn't watch the clip, but it's something from Airplane! ? I love Airplane!.
Hey Tim,
My Silkworm shirt arrived last week
u bet. were running out.
Hey Tmidgett! I was just in Paris too, tho with my brother. I saw no fewer than three public displays of breakdancing.
You know, I think I was in proximity to such things. I didn't bother to look to see what the hell was going on. I knew no one was playing music, so I figured it had to be some kinda jumping about.
Why do the French seem to love breakdancing so much? Could CocoRosie's French beatbox guy be a consequence of this?
Consequence, yeah. Or symptom.
I know you are not big on refined carbs, but how good was that fucking bread?
Fucking awesome bread.
I fucking wish we were comin' to TX next month! What the fuck!
Who is your favorite ninja?
Interesting question, since the best ninjas are completely goddamn anonymous to the point of being nonexistent as far as any non-ninjas are concerned.
I'd have to say some badass ninja who has kept his shit private over the course of a very long and deadly career. I don't know who he is, you don't know who is, and we never will know him.
Or her. All things considered, I am slightly prejudiced in favor of women. Women and blacks. And gays, actually. So if there's a black lesbian ninja fitting this ninja descrip, there's my favorite ninja, probably.
My two year old daughter has this habit of calling all women, regardless of whether they're her mother or not, "mommy". I'm sure that this is just a phase, and that "mommy" is just her catch-all phrase for women. It does get a little awkward when she says it to my girlfriend (not her mother) or my housemate's girlfriend.
Eh, she's two. She can barely even talk. Do these women have a problem with it?
Should I be concerned? How would you play it off? I usually try something like "That's not your mom, silly! Your mommy's at (work/school)! That's your friend (insert name.)"
I would do that. I wouldn't be concerned, unless I was invested in someone who got a bug up her ass over the way a two-year-old talks. If your gf has no bug up her ass, then I wouldn't even think about it.
It's been quite some time since my first question, but mostly because I haven't had that much time to consider your answer in full and respond with an update, until today.
OK, well, let's have it! Let's answer some shit!
Since you answer a lot of questions, please allow me to quote your previous response:
I read this, and I remember this question.
I have yet to find anyone here that I can form a kind of kinship with.
This is the only important part of your post. I understand wanting to examine the other aspects of it, and I did plenty of this myself at your age or thereabouts. But believe me--this is the only important part.
"Yet to find." You are a young person, very young. Sorry--it's true. I still feel kinda sorta young, and I'm much older than you are. If you were a girl, I wouldn't even have it in me to be at all physically attracted to you. That's how young you are.
All you have is your life to lead--this is coming from someone who doesn't believe in God or any of that, I don't believe 'it's all connected' or there is some kind of spiritual jasmbasm that holds everything together. If you believe in God or whatever, then maybe you have some kind of spiritual belief to hold onto, as well.
But if not--bare minimum, you have your life to deal with. The rest of it, may it be long.
Being "yet to find" something, this is no great negative. It is irritating, sure. I am yet to find a few things, though most of them are trivial, since I've been a lucky motherfucker in several respects. But at your age, I felt as if I was yet to find a lot, and it ate at me in some regard, much as this lack of whatsis is eating at you.
What will probably be more difficult is when you DO find someone who fits your needs and s/he disappoints you miserably. Or dies. Or rejects you.
These things will happen, as surely as your struggles right now are happening. I don't think there's anything noble or glorious about this aspect of life, but it does have the effect of making a real, substantial link with someone seem like just about the greatest thing on Earth.
I guess my main advice would be to not get too hung up on yourself. Get hung up on other people. Be interested in them, not as potential elements in a collection, but as discrete and lovely creatures who, whatever their flaws, have charms and beneficial effects unique to each of them. Give people the benefit of the doubt and at least as much respect as they deserve. Require some evidence of genuine shittiness to cut people off completely (but do cut off the fuckers--they are a waste of energy).
You don't need to suffer fools to do any of these things. You just need to change your focus from your own inner workings (which you have plenty of time to figure out) to the workings of other people.
A nice side effect of this is that watching the way other people do things can tell you stuff about yourself, if you're honest enough about your behavior to know what your issues are.
I didn't really start paying serious attention to anyone but myself until I was AT LEAST as old as you are. I am still a selfish fucker in some respects. So it's not like you've wasted time, as least not by my standards, which may or may not be good ones to use.
It's easy to get lost in your own thoughts, fears, insecurities, whatever. Most people do. I do. It's hard to live an outwardly focused life. You'll get disappointed a lot.
But the people I love and admire most in the world can do this, and they do it not out of mindless optimism but as a principled act of faith. I do not think that on their deathbeds, people often suffer from having been too generous towards others. Maybe it happens, but not as much as people wishing they'd just given it up with more regularity. You know?