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New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 2:20 pm
by thebookofkevin_Archive
crevecoeur wrote:I always been curious about it, but never wanted to spend a dime for it :

Does anyone have the James Iha's solo album ?????

i had it when it came out cause my parents knew someone who worked at geffen.

i thought it sucked shit, and i was 12. not that it helps you actually hear it for yourself, but there's my 2 cents.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:42 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
d865 wrote:

Click on the title below the green text for the "clear spot" and "Spotlight kid" albums.



New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 3:51 pm
by derekerdman_Archive
Here's the first Trouble LP from 1984. It's ripped from my record and the tracking is a little wonky:

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Mon Nov 12, 2007 6:03 pm
by Dr O Nothing_Archive
Anyone have Camper VB's "Key Lime Pie"? Its "june" in the southern hemisphere. thanks in advance.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 12:15 am
by glynnisjohns_Archive
Dr. O' Nothing wrote:Anyone have Camper VB's "Key Lime Pie"? Its "june" in the southern hemisphere. thanks in advance.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Tue Nov 13, 2007 5:44 am
by Dr O Nothing_Archive
Most excellent, thanksabunch, g.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Fri Nov 16, 2007 11:28 am
by chet_Archive
Polvo - Rarities

For some reason I lost the first track to this. Its "Vibracobra", but from the 7 inch.

Theres some cool stuff on here, some good, some not so good, some interesting. "The Drill" has to be one of their best early songs.

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 5:33 am
by chairman_hall_Archive
Some crazy and spooky oddity from my hometown:

'Ligeliahorn' by Metgumbnerbone ...

This is an avant garde freeform album of 'field recordings' made in and around Elswick/Benwell (Newcastle West End) and Morden Tower in 1983.

The band (Metgumbnerbone) were a group of students and weirdo's who would make nightly visits to local graveyards/the old run down industrial areas in Elswick and South Benwell by the Tyne...

Northumbria Police ended up arresting and investigating them as some members were caught 'grave digging' and human bones were found in their squat after a series of complaints from local residents of strange music in the night led to a Evening Chronicle expose...

Evening Chronicle excerpt:
''....The five musicians, Alan English, of Jesmond, John Smith, of Hartlepool, John Mylotte, of Newcastle, Sean Dower, of Benwell, and David Stewart, of Swalwell, were charged with robbing graves and causing damage in Newcastle's Westgate Hill Cemetery.''

Review of the tapes:
''mixture of acoustic and electronic music, since then the electronics have been discarded the music has concentrated soley on acoustic instruments. the music is totally improvised and the use of studios to record the material is avoided at all costs, preferring to use the place of playing as another instrument. cavernous places are preferred or outdoor locations, subterranean railway tunnels and the ruins of industry. the music portrays a close link with nature, evoking in our minds the different aspects of the year but mainly dwelling on winter.''

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 6:14 am
by Bonham lives!_Archive
Dear everybody,

Sendspace fucking blows.

I propose we make this thread/idea extra awesome. There is a nifty program called pando. I'm not really sure how it does what it does, but it's like sendspace only 10 times faster and it doesn't involve a webpage. Here's the scheme: someone here sets up a google/yahoo group. People join that group. People get pando. You send an email from pando to the google group email with the uploaded album and a description of the tunes. Everybody on the listserv gets an email with a .pando file on it. You open said file with pando, it downloads tunes super fast. I mean Super Fast. I believe its similar to a torrent. File stays on pando for like a week, then vanishes.

What say you PRF?

New EA sendspace thread

Posted: Sun Nov 18, 2007 7:13 am
by cjh_Archive
What say you PRF?

My tuppence: If it ain't broke...I have no problem with Sendspace at all. Most of this thread comprises of niche/OOP albums that are likely to be of interest only to a few and this way people have direct access to them without having to maintain some little download community, faff about with emails, sign up to anything or install an application.

Pando doubtless has its place, I just don't think this thread has the throughput to warrant it – sometimes it gets bumped twice in a month. Some may already use it but migrating to it will alienate more people than it helps. It's a drop-in centre for curious malcontents rather than a bandwidth pissing contest. I don't think it's so hard to wait twenty to thirty minutes for an album that an esteemed forum member has taken the time to prepare, upload and enthuse over.

Patience my boy!