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Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:15 pm
by eva03_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
eva03 wrote:What does "full belief" mean
You only get to make one choice with your belief. An agnostic theist is trying to make two choices. This isn't golf. You don't get a mulligan. Either say, "I believe in God, period." or say, "I choose not to express a belief in God, period."

First is theist, second is agnostic.

Being an agnostic theist is like cheating on your wife. "Oh, I love you, honey, but I need a little something on the side."

Or: "I love you, god, and I believe in you, but I need to have my doubts."

It's a bullshit position for mixed-up people. Either get in or get out when it comes to the Big G.

I guess that's fine for you but the world isn't black and white, at this point as has been pointed out earlier this is a semantic argument and we're not going to go anywhere but in circles, so I respect your right to think whatever but I don't see any contradictions in being both agnostic and atheistic/theistic.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:26 pm
by big_dave_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:That is the very definition of prejudice.

Your above post is.

You are telling people what they believe and how they should act based on what social group you think they tumble into. Prejudice, simple and plain.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:28 pm
by newberry_Archive
Of course- the fascistic atheists insist that anyone who expresses a belief in an unprovable God is weak of mind, deranged, and a menace to society. The fascistic atheists want a totalitarian system where God believers are relegated to second class status. It is very obvious that atheists do not believe that theists are their equals.

I'm sure this isn't a straw man, so please provide specific evidence to support this. You remind me of the right wingers who refer to Muslims in general as "Islamo-fascists."

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:31 pm
by eva03_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:The theists waste time blabbing about how the atheists are bad, and the atheists waste time blabbing about why the theists are bad.

And you waste time blabbing about how much of a martyr you are to all the "sellout fascistic atheist liberals" on this board. :roll:

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:40 pm
by Skronk_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:If you can't read this thread and find evidence that atheists believe theists to be dumber than they are, then you are patently retarded, Newberry.

But you can't lump all atheists into that category. Some are more vocal, and less open minded than others, but it doesn't represent the vast majority.

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:44 pm
by eva03_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
eva03 wrote:And you waste time blabbing about how much of a martyr you are to all the "sellout fascistic atheist liberals" on this board. :roll:
Do you realize that 98% of your posts never make a new point? They just agree with someone else's point. You are not an original thinker.

Do you realize that 98% of your posts either rehash the same point about fiat currency/global elites/sellout liberals/fluoride/911 truth(by linking to articles that someone else has written mind you)or involve calling someone else a drunken retard lying facist thought police? c'est la vie

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:47 pm
by newberry_Archive

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 12:54 pm
by big_dave_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
big_dave wrote:You are telling people what they believe and how they should act based on what social group you think they tumble into.
I'm telling people how they act based on what I see. Everyone knows that both atheism and theism are sanctuaries for bigots. Both ideologies appeal to people who want to behave like smug assholes because of what they think they 'know'.... it's good comedy. Two classes of sanctimonious blowhard humans, yelling at each other about a subject both are too primitive to comprehend: creation.

And how exactly are you different to, or above, this?

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:09 pm
by big_dave_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
big_dave wrote:And how exactly are you different to, or above, this?
One word: knowledge. If I didn't have knowledge on my side, all my enemies wouldn't be forced to ignore the substance of my posts to play 'attack the messenger'.

Where does this knowledge come from? It certainly isn't empirical or rational.

Are you claiming supernatural insight?

Richard Dawkins Accepts Possibility Of Intelligent Design

Posted: Fri Mar 28, 2008 1:57 pm
by camilo_Archive

Okay, you're incapablistic of making a finalistic determination of the subtleistic distinctions between atheists and agnostics, so I'll need to do that for you.

As you rightilistically pointed out, atheists do not believinate in god(s). However, strictlyistically speaking, not all religions are based on the beliefination in diety(ies). So one can be both an atheist and religiousistic.

Agnostics don't know or care or think the whole spiritualistic thing to be mootastic. They may believe god(s) to be some kinda uberslacker(s) who doesn't really care about the universe so why should we give a fuck about him?

Hope that clarifinates it for you. Oh, as a preemptive measure, you're a drunken liberal retard.