Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?

tallchris wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 3:33 pm
tommy wrote: Wed Apr 20, 2022 12:07 pm
I get it. But you should still try it. It can get pretty grindy which is good and bad. It would probably be the ultimate baritone guitar amp played through a bass cab and a guitar cab. Using both volumes would be cool in that usage (or guitar is kinda fun). A couple of the knobs have a pull shift feature. The treble one is too much for me but I dig the midshift one. Sorta reminds me of the pull thick on some old school Peavey amps.
Damn it, I'm really gonna have to try this thing out now!!!

If I keep it, definitely getting a lighter case for it, the stock road case it's in is stupid heavy, and doesn't have handles!!!
Just want to note that I got this all set up this weekend (took out the stock speakers which actually ended up being one EVM-15L and an old Black Widow and put in Kappalite 3015s) and man, that D-180 is a great, great sounding amp. Channel 2 is like the closest I've gotten to a Bassman normal channel sound, but at full band volume.

Here's the rig, 2nd pic is a video my EGC through the D180 and 2x15:

Old band:
Older band:

Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?

Nate Dort wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:49 pm
brownreasontolive wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:07 pm
thecr4ne wrote: Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:42 pm

Got it. broken plastic part inside, cartridge was clunking around but everything still worked. Epoxied it back together and it's holding nicely. Just need to replace the foam, which, whatever. Not gonna treat it like a hammer so it lasts.
Nothing quite like getting $1000 off!
I had to look this up. The prices on these things have shot up, haven't they? I got a broken one for something like $150 shipped about 6 or 7 years ago, and it was an easy fix. At that time, you could get nice used ones for $450 all day.
Honestly, I only recently became aware of them, so I can't confirm...that said, everything is going for more these days, even compared to ~3 years ago. Shit's ridiculous and money is worthless.

Re: What are you buying, What's on its way?

Nate Dort wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:49 pm
brownreasontolive wrote: Mon Apr 25, 2022 1:07 pm
thecr4ne wrote: Sun Apr 24, 2022 9:42 pm

Got it. broken plastic part inside, cartridge was clunking around but everything still worked. Epoxied it back together and it's holding nicely. Just need to replace the foam, which, whatever. Not gonna treat it like a hammer so it lasts.
Nothing quite like getting $1000 off!
I had to look this up. The prices on these things have shot up, haven't they? I got a broken one for something like $150 shipped about 6 or 7 years ago, and it was an easy fix. At that time, you could get nice used ones for $450 all day.
No kidding, right?
I once got a broken one in a bin of electronics I was given and sold it for $90 in 2008.
Boy do I feel like a dumb shit.

DIY and die anyway.

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