Let us see your pet.

cervixFORaHEart wrote:
yut wrote:
cervixFORaHEart wrote:

this is one of many reasons i told my girlfriend she had to move out of my house immediately. my dog does not deserve such treatment.

That's a saucy expression! What kind of dog is that? Can I bite its butt? It is very adorable!

he is mostly miniature dauschund.

Any Chi in there? His perk ears and saucy expression look very chi like. Could be more the terrier bloodline that chi's also have. That's a damn good looking dog. I would take that over my girlfriend any day.

Let us see your pet.


This isn't my dog, but I thought I would share because it is so damn cute. It is an albino chihuahua. This dog would be a little difficult to own, since it needs those doggles and sunscreen on it's nose and lips when it goes out... Nonetheless, I would enjoy owning a dog like this and squeezing the poop out of it because it is so damn cute.

Albino chis are also suseptible to some genetic disease, but I forgot what it is... It's in one of my books on chis. I think it may be terminal cuteness.

I also find it fascinating that dog's noses and lips are made of the same tissue. It would be so weird if our noses were made of the same tissue as our lips.
Last edited by yut_Archive on Wed Dec 13, 2006 7:33 pm, edited 3 times in total.

Let us see your pet.

Ace wrote:
John W. wrote:

You do not know how much this picture makes me wish i had a cat

John W. wrote:If it makes you feel any better, she's really bad.

She breaks lamps, hides work IDs underneath the couch and puts objects in the water dish.

I know this kitty! She's very bad but she is such a lovable thing. And here she looks so affectionate.

Cute creatures of all types can get away with murder if they show you enough affection. Just ask my ex-boyfriends.

And Chester.



Let us see your pet.

BadComrade wrote:Anyone who owns a cat needs to buy one of these:


Because of your recommendation I did, along with some cat grass as stocking stuffers for Dr. Livingston and Pheadra. Thanks for the idea! They went fucking apeshit.

Additional highlights:

Charges in 45 fucking goddam seconds. Instant gratification!

Works well on carpet as well as hardwood.

Better than the laser pointer, as the cats quickly figure out the the laser is not real and can't be caught.

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