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Ty Webb wrote:kerble, I think I could totally rock a shervani on dressy occasions. Anything I should know about tailoring or patterns? Do they come with skulls on them? Do you have to unbutton it to sit down?

I think you could, too.

seriously, you just need a nice suit cloth and you're set. any reputable indian tailor will be able to make it, or you could just find a nice store and buy readymade. for them, it's the same as making a suit jacket, just longer and with a different neckline.

you could get skulls if you'd like, but I prefer to add the skulls in the small details (like on a watch, or cufflink or diamond tooth) as opposed to the more apparent zubaz type patterning. you know, classy. I would go with a dark fabric (I have a white one that is awesome, but I only wear it for the special-est of occasions). the darker one will be more versatile, and you'll have to think about dirtying it less.

You don't need to unbutton it to sit down, there's sort of a flap, like on a longcoat or trench. I'm going to try to talk you into white pants, as you could get away with white pants, no sweat. the traditional white pyjama is not too comfy in the ankles, and has no pockets for your drugs. the actual shervani has drug pockets, but I would not put drugs in an outer coat pocket for discretion's sake.

you could wear dark colored pants with the shervani if you're too much of a puss to go for the white. I know you are not a puss. the traditional route is slick. the contrast will make it stand out in a sea of black and navy suits, but since the coat is long, and th pants are covered past the knees, it's still discreet and not cheap looking.

best part is that since the body is covered, unlike in a lapelled suit, you can just wear t-shirts underneath it. It's especially nice in hot-ass India, or even in a hot-ass function hall here. You'll want to find a non scratchy fabric (wool may be out dependent on the type) so you can make full use of the t-shirt bonus.

let me know if you have any more questions.

kerble is right.

Let us see you.

You know, I was half-kidding about the shervani at first, but kerble makes it sound so good, I've gotta look into this.

My girlfriend's going to laugh at me, but that won't be anything new.

"Please to meet you. I'm Subcontinental Jesus. You best stop fucking around."
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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