Both of those Thoreau Kennys were total insults to Thoreau.
you don't think it's funny to bookend thoreau with celine and ken kesey?
that is some funny shit!
altho craftsman tools/d.a. grier was genuinely insulting and i hate the person who did it for doing it
kenny: a half eaten tin of milk chocolate flavored hob nobs
j.b. a half-eaten tin of 'milk chocolate'-flavored hobnobs that is half-eaten b/c you have eaten half of it with a large mug of good coffee, which admittedly is not easy to get in england. but, somehow, you have done it.
j.w. gaining 150lbs b/c you have made a habit of eating half-tins of hobnobs, and sustaining rug burns on your gut as a result
to the unfamiliar--'hobnobs' are oatmeal biscuits which are available in at least two 'flavors:' 'plain' and 'milk chocolate.' maybe dark chocolate too. milk chocolate, i guess they aren't really flavored. they're just the oatmeal guys with milk chocolate on the top. they are available in england and fine import grocery stores, and they are very delicious in my opinion.
assessing your behind in a mirror whilst trying on a pair of $150 jeans for size, in a pricey boutique of some sort