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son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 10:46 am
by Mr Chimp_Archive
placeholder wrote:the kenny: the girl in the next cubicle over refusing to shut up about this damned prince concert she went to last night.

jb: the guy in the next cubicle over refusing to shut up about how great the O.C. television program is.

jw: the girl in the next cubicle over unabashedly having her first conversation for 20 very long minutes.

Kennifer Garner: dating services.

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 11:17 am
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
placeholder wrote:the kenny: the girl in the next cubicle over refusing to shut up about this damned prince concert she went to last night.

Just Better: The girl next door, a freshly minted high school graduate, refusing to shut up about this damned post-prom daisy chain party she attended a few weeks ago.
Just Worse: Going with your girlfriend to another couple's house quickly to retrieve some item (e.g., salad bowl, step ladder or camping lantern), and getting trapped into reviewing that couple's damned vacation video. However, the couple is nice and funny, their vacation looks to have been quite interesting and the production values in the video are surprisingly good.
Way Worse: The boy next door, an 11 year old middle schooler on summer vacation, refusing to shut up about this damned Neverland ranch sleepover he went to last night.

Kenny: Henry David Thoreau

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 12:48 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
Kenny: Henry David Thoreau

j.b. celine
j.w. ken kesey dating services.

j.b. dating your somewhat attractive first cousin with whom you have little in common

j.w. frequenting prostitutes


bingo, the game, the pastime, the lifestyle

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:04 pm
by brian_Archive
Kenny: Henry David Thoreau

j.b. craftsmen tools

j.w. david allen grier

Kennifer Garner: dating services.

j.b. the promise of your upcoming arranged marriage to charo. hoochie

j.w. being forcibly removed from a restaurant while your on a blind date
with a friend of a good friend's girlfriend.


bingo, the game, the pastime, the lifestyle

j.b. being president and self-apponted commissioner of the "too close
for comfort" fan club and yearly conference in reno.

j.w. being a guy that yells the word bingo during successful encounters
with the opposite sex.

kenny!: attempting to climb the social ladder by becoming really
proficient with a frisbee

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 1:31 pm
by the Classical_Archive
brian wrote:
kenny!: attempting to climb the social ladder by becoming really
proficient with a frisbee

just better: attempting to climb social ladder by becoming really good at yo-yo, but not telling anyone yr really good at yo-yo or that you have even been practicing. Then yr at party or some event and you causally start performing all manner of crazy yo-yo tricks etc, much to the shock of yr friends/family/spouse/strangers all of whom had no idea you could even perform the simplest of yo-yo tricks.

just worse: attempting to climb the social ladder by becoming really proficient at kenny

kenny: a half eaten tin of milk chocolate flavored hob nobs

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:07 pm
by Angus Jung
Both of those Thoreau Kennys were total insults to Thoreau.

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:10 pm
by kerble_Archive
Well, it's good that he's dead then, isn't it?

Kenny moving:

the Classical wrote:kenny: a half eaten tin of milk chocolate flavored hob nobs

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:28 pm
by tmidgett_Archive
Both of those Thoreau Kennys were total insults to Thoreau.

you don't think it's funny to bookend thoreau with celine and ken kesey?

that is some funny shit!

altho craftsman tools/d.a. grier was genuinely insulting and i hate the person who did it for doing it

kenny: a half eaten tin of milk chocolate flavored hob nobs

j.b. a half-eaten tin of 'milk chocolate'-flavored hobnobs that is half-eaten b/c you have eaten half of it with a large mug of good coffee, which admittedly is not easy to get in england. but, somehow, you have done it.

j.w. gaining 150lbs b/c you have made a habit of eating half-tins of hobnobs, and sustaining rug burns on your gut as a result

to the unfamiliar--'hobnobs' are oatmeal biscuits which are available in at least two 'flavors:' 'plain' and 'milk chocolate.' maybe dark chocolate too. milk chocolate, i guess they aren't really flavored. they're just the oatmeal guys with milk chocolate on the top. they are available in england and fine import grocery stores, and they are very delicious in my opinion.


assessing your behind in a mirror whilst trying on a pair of $150 jeans for size, in a pricey boutique of some sort

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 2:34 pm
by the Classical_Archive
tmidgett wrote:
to the unfamiliar--'hobnobs' are oatmeal biscuits which are available in at least two 'flavors:' 'plain' and 'milk chocolate.' maybe dark chocolate too. milk chocolate, i guess they aren't really flavored. they're just the oatmeal guys with milk chocolate on the top. they are available in england and fine import grocery stores, and they are very delicious in my opinion.

mrs the c works at a british styled pub in mpls called brit's funnily enough and they carry all manner of english candies, treats etc. anyway hobnobs are slightly more addictive than crack, so I have been bothering her for months to get me some (there being somewhat of hobnob draught, at least in mpls) and last night she finally brings some home, execpt it was a half eaten tin. we almost came to blows

I think there are peanut butter hobnobs as well...maybe

okay enough commentary crap, back to kenny!

son of rank: the kenny

Posted: Tue Jun 15, 2004 3:20 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
tmidgett wrote:assessing your behind in a mirror whilst trying on a pair of $150 jeans for size, in a pricey boutique of some sort

Just Better: Ordering a Captain Morgan & Coke and shortly thereafter using the phrase "Avast ye, matey!"
Just Worse: Discovering that TiVo recommends "The Simple Life 2" (starring Paris Hilton and Nicole Richie) to you based on your viewing/recording habits

Kenny: The fact that certain sports franchises (e.g., Minneapolis Lakers, New Orleans Jazz) have relocated but kept their original cities' geography- and culture-specific team nicknames, thereby resulting in non-sensical team names such as the Los Angeles Lakers and Utah Jazz.

The Utah Jazz? Wtf?