Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

burun wrote:
jayryan wrote:i have twelve screws and a steel plate holding my left foot onto my body.

I wish I had remembered this last night, because we could have had a Metal Foot Bonding Moment.

(screws in toes, here)

My knee is held together with a bolt. Maybe there are enough of us on this forum to build a whole mechanical person?

Whenever I smoke Golden Virginia tobacco, i think of my ancestor John Rolfe, who was a 15th century Virginia tobacco baron.

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

I had a car fall off a jack and land on me and squeezed out unhurt. This was one of MANY near death/serious injury stories I have.
My band crashed a music festival here in St louis with a flatbed truck and a generator.
I was on Ask This Old House on PBS
I am training to do the 300 workout developed by Mark Twight.
My uncle was in the 1988 Guiness Book for joke telling.
I work in a firetruck dealership which my parents own.
I am building a 1965 Riviera from the frame up
I rehabbed a 100 year old house and in the process taught myself drywall, plumbing, electrical, tiling, and landscaping skills. I want to build my own house someday
i have travelled around inside a large Conoco-Phillips refinery. It is a surreal experience

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

buzzsaw wrote:I was on Ask This Old House on PBS

Which show and what problem? I need to know this.

My mother's maiden name is the same as my fathers surname. Pre-emptive strike. No and no. Just a common name.
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:In the 1988 season the Orioles lost their first 21 games to set a ML record for most consecutive losses. I decided then to have their logo as my avatar.


Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

There is no one in North America who will come through your front door and treat you with more respect and compassion when you have just had a loved one die in your arms.....than me.

My father invented the Tiger's Milk bar while working at Arizona Labs as his first job after college. Cool!

He was getting $5 an hour, and has not ever received any "royalties" or anything. Not cool!

I recently started a Crap/Not Crap thread about Tiger's Milk bars. Not cool!

I played one year of Little League in Southern California with Troy Aikman.

I once threw a complete game no-hitter in Little League that ended 17-4.

When I was about ten, I was on a summer school field trip bus and a bigger kid my age a couple of rows behind was pinching my little sister. I told him to "knock it off, dick." He turned his attention to me, and as we filed off the bus at Universal Studios, he was getting some shots in to my kidneys and ribs. I took it for about ten steps, then turned and burst his mouth with a good left hand. I was made to sit in the bus while everyone else saw the shark, and a few days later me, him and our parents convened in the principal's office. I was asked to give my side of the story, and I included everything except the calling him a dick part. His mother asked me if I hadn't said something else, I came clean, and she turned to the principal and said, "I'm sure you understand how we feel about being called names." They were black. I was shortly expelled. When we got out to the car, my dad knelt down and told me he was proud of me and that I had done nothing wrong. I've always loved him for that. Guess that's more cool on his part.

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