Really Good Beers

burun wrote:

I bought this for someone in the hopes that he would

a) like it
b) convince me that it will be a good "gateway" beer for me.

Yeah, it's raspberry, but so what?
I think you would like this a lot.
Think of as the best raspberry soda ever with a slight kick.
Rachael turned me onto a genius idea.
Get 3/4 of a pint of Young's Oatmeal Stout and 1/4 of the Lambic Framboise.
Fucking excellent.
pwalshj wrote:I have offered you sausage.
Rift Canyon Dreams

Really Good Beers

I went to Colorado about a week ago and damn, do those people love their microbrews. Every place I visited had at least 4 or 5 local or regional beers on tap, even the sandwich shops. And this was in Fort Collins, never mind Denver or Boulder.

Problem is, I drank so much of them, I can't remember any names. I did have a great visit to the New Belgium brewery, home of Fat Tire. They give away a free, 4-sample flight to anyone who comes and sits down at their bar. That was a great atmosphere and a great way to try some new beers.

It's a shame Coors is the beer associated with Colorado. That place is beer heaven.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Really Good Beers

Colonel Panic wrote:
unsaved wrote:
Colonel Panic wrote:The strongest commercially available dopplebock is Samichlaus, made by the Swiss Hürlimann brewery, weighing in at 14-15% abv.

Two bottles of that on an empty stomach last week at Kuma's enabled me to finish all of my Metallica burger and chips, plus half a dozen forkfuls of the wife's mac & cheese with peas and bacon. Buuurrrrrp!

2 bottles of that on an empty stomach within an hour or so is quite an impressive feat. Those are the little 8-oz bottles, aren't they?

Hell no, they are full 1/3 liter bottles (a shot glass short of a 12-ouncer for you Bud drinkers)--I could easily drink three in an hour, but by the time I get near the end of the second one the burger comes and I switch to water. Once I eat, I always feel too full to drink beer.
Rick Reuben wrote:Edit those words out or I'm contacting a moderator.

Really Good Beers

burun wrote:

I bought this for someone in the hopes that he would

a) like it
b) convince me that it will be a good "gateway" beer for me.

Yeah, it's raspberry, but so what?

My wife, who refers to beer as "liquid burps", likes this stuff. The peach and cherry ones, too. You should try it. Tryyyyyyyy it.

Can anyone here speak for Alaska Brewing Co? A few of their beers arrived in these here parts recently and I was told that the smoked porter makes life worth living.

Really Good Beers

I wouldn't be surprised if you could get a good lambic at Burp Castle on E. 7th St. From what I understand, they take their beer very seriously and have a lot of the lesser known Belgian styles in bottles.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

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