Pass along some love...


I met a shit ton of Electrical people (not to mention a shit ton of non-Electrical people). Everyone was awesome and I found myself wanting to talk longer with everyone, but I either had other obligations or was too drunk and nevertheless didn't want to embarrass myself anymore than I already had. I don't know which forum to put this in so, fuck it, I'm putting it here.

Electrons/Ryan: The first person I met on Thurs, thank you for the CD, it got played about 5 times on the way back to KC. You also helped my buddy find Small Bar, you're good people.

Chris Dragon: This man was everywhere I looked all weekend, Chris you make me laugh, I bet we could come up with some horribly twisted shit after a night of hanging. Also you housed Tree so he didn't sleep on an apt. stoop. I look forward to hearing your music soon.

Bumble: You seemed like the master of ceremonies, and you were extremely nice. I glad you told those thugs on Sat. who is boss. Faiz, you're a lucky guy.

Faiz/Kerble: I was most looking forward to meeting you, and our time was so fleeting. Your personality is exactly what I expected. Bumble, you're a lucky lady.

Scott: Our encounter was brief, but you also impressed me as someone I'd love to have a good blather with. Your beard is strangely calming.

Itchy: We love Big Boys. You're fucking hilarious and I was super glad to meet you. Thankfully I left before the titty twisters, as I have large nipples that would've been insta-targets.

Rachael: Thank you for giving my friends the Tampon education. It was much needed. You made me pet my friends moustache so much on Saturday I was actually starting to enjoy it. Sick.

Some people I met but didn't really get a chance to talk to: Dr. Awkward, Linus, Garble, Ironyengine, Tutku, Yaledelay...........y'all are beautiful people.

Finally, Tree, my co-pilot. We put together the United States in less than 1 hour. You endured an Iowa hazing and I'm glad you survived. I'm sorry we passed out on Friday. Our trip was much better for having you. The Friskey recipe is in the mail.

If any or all of you are in Denver, look us up. We'd love to extend the same hospitality that Chicago extended to us.

Last edited by oucheh_Archive on Thu Sep 14, 2006 3:38 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Pass along some love...

Johnny 13, I had the most terrific time, thank you so much. And I was so excited to meet you - the personality that comes through in your writing is stellar, and I was not dissapointed by the man himself. It's so great when you meet someone face to face and they blow your expectations out of the water! I'm looking forward to the future good times, and maybe a chance to ride your wayward skate board that happens to be older than me.

PS You also have the best stories.

Also,to the ladies of EA:

What a fucking charged moment when Bumble, Itchy, Burun, Fantasmatical Thorr and I found ourselves staring at each other for the first time at the beginning of Scratch Acid. We got some powerful women up in here, I felt like I was 2 feet off the ground. Salut!
The cat with the toast, once it's free in the air, will float at its cat-toast equilibrium point, where butter repulsion forces and cat forces are in balance.

Pass along some love...

hiredgeek wrote:MTAR

you ae welcome for the smokey treat and politely being left to enjoy the post show rocked out. you are much shorter in person. the scale of your cats now make much sense. thanks for being 4' 6" and angry.

thanks hiredgeek! It was a pleasure meeting you at the afterparty.
im sorry we did not get to chat more about all things nerd-related. i was a little drunk, and im 5'11"!

umm, i need to pass out some love, before i pass out from it myself.

itchy, you're the best. you put me up, you paid for my ticket, and you made my week. i would not come to the show if it were not for you, and that is quite possibly the most enjoyable show i ever been to. fuck, and i still didn't get to buy you a beer. expect a keg in the mail.

nick92675, i thanks for the New Black record. I listen to it all the time, and it is great.

MajorEMiller, I got your CD and it sounds so damn good... especially for a home recording. I was deeply mesmorized by some of the moments on this recording.

Brett Eugene Ralph, your new record is an instant classic,and had me laughing out loud. Thanks for this gem.

Although they don't ever check this thing, I still need to thank mike and mike for playing music and being in a band with me.

a quick pass to all the participants of the post-party. hifi, you dudes ruled, bear claw you dudes ruled, lkn, you lady and dudes ruled, triclops! you dudes ruled. Everyone ruled.

I also throw a touchdown pass to everyone i have met on this forum in the past week or so. It was like i was at a party with a bunch of old friends nd family. so weird.

im sure some deserving love has gone unpassed, but even if it's not in 1's and 0's, it's still there.

Michael Gregory Bridavsky

Russian Recording

Pass along some love...

Mandroid2.0 wrote:Tipcat - Once again, thank you for letting me crash at your place all weekend with such a short notice, and for making me blueberry pancakes n' stuff. I'm sorry that I did not get a chance to cook for you at all or present you with a portion of my bad horror movie collection, but there will be other weekends for that. Cheers, Dave!

You are most welcome! Next time, there will be actual maple syrup. From Vermont. (Hippies not included.)

Pass along some love...

I'd like to pass along some love to Tmidgett and his bandmates (some of which might also be members of this forum, I wasn't clear on it) for putting on an excellent show on Saturday, as well as entertaining me with stories about cheapskate baseball players.

I would also like to take this opportunity to apologize for my horrible navigation skills, and the state of NYC gridlock in general.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Pass along some love...

Cranius wrote:Late last night I turned on the TV and there was a documentary, entitled Guys and Dolls, featuring men who have relationships with 'real-life' rubber sex dolls. The men interviewed were, for one reason or another, unable to form relationships with living girls.

One of the men, a 39 year-old factory worker from Virginia, owned two such dolls, which he'd unnervingly dressed as school girls. Both dolls looked a little worse for wear.

I couldn't fail to notice the Master of Puppets poster on the wall of his bedroom. This was an irony he was altogether oblivious to.

Cranius, I give you love for writing what's above in the "Little Details" thread. This post, she was so great to read. I really like the way you take in the world and what you chose to put up here.

I also give love to sockmonkey. It was nice to see you for a bit at T & G. I hope you are well.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

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