Pass along some love...
Posted: Wed Sep 13, 2006 11:43 pm
Redline your the best. I wish I could have seen you this weekend.
hiredgeek wrote:MTAR
you ae welcome for the smokey treat and politely being left to enjoy the post show rocked out. you are much shorter in person. the scale of your cats now make much sense. thanks for being 4' 6" and angry.
Mandroid2.0 wrote:Tipcat - Once again, thank you for letting me crash at your place all weekend with such a short notice, and for making me blueberry pancakes n' stuff. I'm sorry that I did not get a chance to cook for you at all or present you with a portion of my bad horror movie collection, but there will be other weekends for that. Cheers, Dave!
Cranius wrote:Late last night I turned on the TV and there was a documentary, entitled Guys and Dolls, featuring men who have relationships with 'real-life' rubber sex dolls. The men interviewed were, for one reason or another, unable to form relationships with living girls.
One of the men, a 39 year-old factory worker from Virginia, owned two such dolls, which he'd unnervingly dressed as school girls. Both dolls looked a little worse for wear.
I couldn't fail to notice the Master of Puppets poster on the wall of his bedroom. This was an irony he was altogether oblivious to.