My allegiance lies with:

Total votes: 125 (49%)
The Jesus Lizard
Total votes: 131 (51%)
Total votes: 256

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

Marsupialized wrote:347 beers later


Put DeRogatis' head on the walrus - it's close enough as it is


steve wrote:Close. By a nose, maybe.

It was hard, but I finally came down to Rowland vs. Duane and Tracy vs. David, and I just could not vote against Rowland or Tracy. The melodies, the swing, the style, the intensity, the tones - everything. It's nothing against Duane or David - they are fantastic players, as everyone knows - but I doubt they'd be playing the way they did if it hadn't been for the Birthday Party. "The Dim Locator" vs. "If You Had Lips" is ridiculously hard, but I'd probably go with "The Dim Locator" eight times out of ten.

The Birthday Party are the house band at the strip club in the ninth circle of Hell. know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Ultimate Thunderdome: Fugazi vs. The Jesus Lizard

Are people actually referring to Guy Picciotto as "the other guy"? This does not please me.

I am a sucker for Fugazi song endings too. Nothing like them. Nothing like In on the Kill Taker either.
I also like the idea that I could come to a concert and the singers would make sure I don't go home with cuts and bruises.

That being said, I like the idea of the singer making sure I do go home with cuts and bruises even more. And if I were to catch a goldfish I'd make a wish to play guitar like Duane Denison.

I think Fugazi may be the only band that has actually made me a better person. Not through their lyrics though, which in my opinion pale in comparison to David Yow's wonderfully twisted poetry, but through everything they stand for as a band. So for that, I vote Fugazi. They would know what to do with all these votes. Yow would just drown them in whiskey.

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