What kind of guitar do you play?

Red Square wrote:i need a couple of those guitar wall hangers...do they make some that aren't as invasive to the wall?

If you mean "drilled into a 2X4 or support beam" invasive, then no, I don't think there are any other options. That said, who would trust something that doesn't attach to a support behind the drywall? This might result in your Vincent Gallo $10,000 painted Travis Bean artist ending up face first on the floor dinged up and chipped. It would also destroy the floor in the case of TB's, Les Pauls and other heavy assed guitars and basses falling.

What kind of guitar do you play?

I was in Chicago last week (I miss you guys :cry: ).
I bought my first guitar : SG Gibson standard heritage cherry.

Before, Sylvain and friends lent me their guitars : I played on 2 Gibson Les Paul (Studio and Standard), Fender Mustang.

But now, I have my own guitar and this one is perfect for me : it sounds like the Les Paul Standard, without the weight ...
I love it ! :D

PS : Sorry for my bad english :oops:
Last edited by stephanie_Archive on Fri Apr 25, 2008 1:21 pm, edited 1 time in total.

What kind of guitar do you play?

mr.arrison wrote:
Red Square wrote:i need a couple of those guitar wall hangers...do they make some that aren't as invasive to the wall?

If you mean "drilled into a 2X4 or support beam" invasive, then no, I don't think there are any other options. That said, who would trust something that doesn't attach to a support behind the drywall? This might result in your Vincent Gallo $10,000 painted Travis Bean artist ending up face first on the floor dinged up and chipped. It would also destroy the floor in the case of TB's, Les Pauls and other heavy assed guitars and basses falling.

Furthermore, this "invasiveness" can be easily remedied with some spackle, sanding and touchup.
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

What kind of guitar do you play?

Sly Bug wrote:

This IS the only electric guitar I really need anymore...

Electrical Guitar Company Custom 500 #84

I tried #75 while in Chicago. It's the second best guitar in the world. It's almost as good as #84.

Right now, I own:
2006 - Electrical Guitar Company Custom 500 #84
1965 - Fender Mustang (US)
1996 - Fender Jaguar (Japan)
and a 50w Fender Bassman (silverface) from the late 60's or early 70's.

Stéphanie's SG is very good too.
Stella Peel

What kind of guitar do you play?

stuffy wrote:Epiphone Coronet
Shergold Meteor

I love the coronet to bits. It's a 1964 model & has got a single p90 and it sounds fantastic and looks like Batman's guitar. They sound like an SG junior but for about half the price.

The Shergold is ridiculous but easy to play and Cardiacs used to use them so I bought it purely on that fact. I was only 18 at the time.

...and now I just gone and bought this.


So I've got to sell this...

....and this.


Then I should completely get shot of the buyers remorse that is approaching like a heavy dark cloud of guilt. Not hugely bothered about the bass to be honest but the Danelectro is quite cute.
Angels Are Ace!


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