At some point, this list of shit finally broke me:
- I'm executor of an estate, with 2 residuary beneficiaries. One of them thinks I'm not working fast enough, and I'm stealing from the estate. Every fucking time her lawyer engages with my lawyer, it's costing the estate money. BUT, the Estate has NO money. Until I sell all the shit off, then pay off the lawyer, my fee as executor, creditors, there's not gonna be much left, and they're making it worse. Did they care for this person for the last 10 years? Did they wipe their butt and empty urinals and manage all the details of hospice, medication, housekeeping? NO. Am I angry and resentful? YES.
- Came to realize that the years I spent caring for my elderly relative, maintaining their apartment and details, my own house and paper management has gone to shit, and now I have to try to catch up and
- I tried to find the Title to a car I'm trying to sell. Never had any reason to move it from it's folder, but it's not there. Thus, I've been going through file folders, odd boxes of paperwork, even went to the Safe Deposit box. Trying my best to recycle trash and "filing" the rest, but I've now got stacks of paper all over the house, that I can't manage.
- I'm older now (67, okay?), and managing things around the house is becoming difficult. I can fill bags with trash or recycling, but it's harder to lug it to the alley cans. I've tried using a wheel barrow, taking out a small bag every day, breaking down boxes from deliveries and getting them out, but I'm failing. And getting disheartened.
- Yes, I'm on psych meds, yes, I have a CBT therapist, but I've still got massive anxiety and I'm drinking more than I should.
- I don't have anyone to help me. My long distance boyfriend isn't really putting a lot of help forward. I've got no kids, my siblings are older than me and aren't able to help either. All the friends I had a couple decades ago are now all doing their own thing.
- Yes, I know I need to HIRE some help, but I'm uncomfortable having strangers in my house that I don't know. I'll figure that out, but it's not easy.
I want to be happier, and I know I need to "take a walk", "eat good food", "excercise", but I just don't feel like it. Self-defeating, helpless spiraling.
Gah. Gimme a push, someone, please.