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Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 5:13 am
by JohnnyDoglands_Archive
Ace wrote:
JohnnyDoglands wrote:Whenever I smoke Golden Virginia tobacco, i think of my ancestor John Rolfe, who was a 15th century Virginia tobacco baron.

Does this mean you're related to Pocahantas?

Alas no. I am from a branch of the family that stayed in England.

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:13 am
by davesec_Archive
my aunt's cousin is that jackass from friends

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:16 am
by Ty Webb_Archive
Tommy Alpha wrote:
Ty Webb wrote:Everything about me is both VNHOLY and TRVE.



Good morning!

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:17 am
by sparky_Archive
Actually, after the spiel about my English grandfather that I linked, there's something else that my father told me six months or so ago. During and possibly before the Second World War, my grandfather helped smuggle European Jews into Britain and was jailed for this. I think that he had an affair or marriage with a German Jew, then left her for my grandmother; I think that she committed suicide. I say "think", because my mother told me this last part from hearing from my father, and I have never had the guts whenever I've remembered this dark tale to ask him further.

I was astonished that I had not been told this before. My father is sketchy on further details, as he only found it out 20 years ago when my grandfather died and left his autobiography. Unfortunately, my dad had only time to read these parts once, because my grandmother hid or destroyed the manuscript after my father read it; she was not happy with my father learning the darker, less flattering parts. Following a bad argument, we've been estranged from my grandmother for 12 years and I fear that I will never see this book.

I would like to know more about my paternal grandfather. I remember him being a fascinating, mischievous and mentally energetic man. My mother tells me that he used to always have three books on the go; one for commuting to and from work, one for reading at lunchtime, and one for the evening. My memories of speaking to him are poor, but three things immediately come to mind:

1. A story he told me about him and his elder brother joyriding a hot air balloon. Even at the age of eight, I could tell that he was telling a yarn.

2. That the Big Bang theory is wrong, because energy cannot be created or destroyed; I am amazed that I remember him talking about Fred Hoyle and his Steady State Theory, despite my knowing little of astrophysics at that age.

3. That every human life is priceless. This I remember him saying very slowly and carefully to me.

That's him at the front, my mother and both my grandmothers behind him:


Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 6:32 am
by LBx_Archive
wow...i can't top that.

but i have stood on the northern tip of New Zealand with my feet half over the edge. that was a fun moment.

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:52 am
by the letter o_Archive
As a kid, maybe 9 years old, I gave Prince Charles a dose of the verbals.

It was a poster presentation by various schools (mine being one)..."ecology and your community", or something. So anyway, Windsor Jr comes around with his entourage asking questions about each school's poster, before moving on to the next. He sees my name badge with my school on it, and makes some glib frothy comment about the town I come from. "Blah blah blah"...the assembled press entourage laugh politely, everyone smiles and gets on with the 'opportunity'. Y'know the kind of thing? Right. Well, I obviously hadn't quite grasped how this kind of situation is meant to pan out, and basically misconstrue his inane attempt at 'connecting'. I respond with what was very nearly a full-on retard-style "Duuurrrhhh! Joey Deacon!" (minus the hand/chin slapping that is mandatory nowadays). For a few seconds, his hangers-on looked more than a little perturbed, and then, give him his credit, HRH cracked a little smile, shook his head, and broke the awkward slience by asking me about the poster.

Later, one of his lackeys told my teacher that (I quote), "I'd made quite an impression on him".

So there you have it. If you want to get down with royalty, give them some lip whilst making like a mongoloid.

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 8:56 am
by Ace_Archive
davesec wrote:my aunt's cousin is that jackass from friends

which one?

Serious Thread: Tell us something cool and true about you

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 9:02 am
by fancyjamtime_Archive
Former Army MEDEVAC helicopter pilot that got the MS, hence grounded.

I won an elementary school talent show using my father's magic equipment in sixth grade. They let me perform the act in front of my future junior high school at an assembly. I messed up each of the 6 magic tricks then started crying in front of the entire school. The next year I was beaten mercilessly.

My dad had a magic show on Toledo cable with Bill Bixby. He also did magic with Alice Cooper but was unaware that he was a rock star.