Pass along some love...

Ty Webb, I enjoy your writing tremendously. You crack me up most every day, which is solid.

Zom-Zom, I know this love matters to you. You are cranky and direct and it's always top-notch to read your pronouncements on things.

cjh, the picture you sent me hit the part of my funnybone that most can't reach. I hope all good things come to you.

Sparky, your reasoning and writing are a pleasure to behold. I always look to see what your contributions on the board have been and I'm never disappointed.

chopjob, your story titles deserve a Stalin-esque round of applause.


Pass along some love...

Many thanks to Chapter Two for graciously offering to send me a copy of a Comedy DVD to Australia which I subsequently found in Oz. That was a very kind offer.

Rocker654 for given me words of encouragement when I was recently feeling really bad due to my bastard stomach ulcers.

Erm... and Kerble. Even though I haven't directly spoken to you, you always make me laugh with your acerbic wit.

Salut to everybody else and Steve for starting this great community!

Clocker Bob. They are behind you!

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