Hey Tmidgett
Posted: Mon May 12, 2008 3:41 pm
I think public pantslessness is a good alternative to cargo shorts.
But I am not tmidgett.
But I am not tmidgett.
itchy mcgoo wrote:I think public pantslessness is a good alternative to cargo shorts.
But I am not tmidgett.
What are some good alternatives to cargo shorts?
Ha. I'm curious, as well. So utilitarian, these cargo shorts. I should love them but they are too ugly and awkward. I just wear a jacket with pockets if it isn't too warm. I'll just leave my junk in the car or house if it is too hot and I don't need the items that would go in the cargo shorts/jacket.
Cigarettes are the only real problem.
In this picture, is the dude wearing an earring?
I have a wedding that requires my attendance this coming Saturday. The registered gifts are what you might expect: $95 teapot, $30 soup bowls.
Anything wrong with handing the newlyweds a nice gift certificate to a fancypants restaurant instead? Is this a violation of some daft protocol?
It is regarding a woman-- so you have been warned.
"We shouldn't see each other during the week", she says. I saw her today at a restaurant and she just nodded and walked out.
Maybe I am reaping what I sow
The reasons that she only wants to fuck and can barely acknowledge me in public, now:
I'm an atheist (my favorite).
I'm eighteen (fair enough, this makes sense on its own. It isn't the dealbreaker for her, though. Just something to add to the list)
SHE can't trust ME (She has been holding a grudge since October over something so inconsequential that it would embarrass me to write it out. As if this problem isn't silly enough.)
Should I just enjoy my time with her while she stumbles into the next phase of her life? Should I see her as a representation of the fickle nature of humans and cut her off completely?
Boxers or briefs?
If you cut bait, then, whatever you do, do not answer her phone calls when she keeps calling you. THIS PART IS VERY IMPORTANT.
matte wrote:Based on my experiences dating older ultra-christian women