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Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:11 pm
by itchy mcgoo_Archive
burun wrote:I have had the misfortune of going to the Manhattan one more than once, and have to say their food is dire.

I work very close to Hooters and am always amazed to see some fucking douche outside getting take-out. What the fucking fawk!

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:18 pm
by John W_Archive
I was loading up the car here in Chicago with one of the last piles of junk headed for the new place in Louisville today. In the alley, a woman in her pajamas, looking totally strung out, had a pair of dirty old pants in her hand. She was flailing them across the top of an open dumpster for about ten minutes, slightly stumbling the whole time.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:23 pm
by S&M58_Archive
itchy mcgoo wrote:I work very close to Hooters and am always amazed to see some fucking douche outside getting take-out. What the fucking fawk!

Maybe he is against the objectification of women, but really loves the curly fries.

John W. wrote:I was loading up the car with one of the last piles of junk headed for the new place in Louisville today. In the alley, a woman in her pajamas, looking totally strung out, had a pair of dirty old pants in her hand. She was flailing them across the top of an open dumpster for about ten minutes, slightly stumbling the whole time.

Maybe she was banging the cooter critters out of her fave jeanspair.

My poison ivy is finally in remission, Hera be praised! Now I can scratch myself bloody without fear of spreading the disease.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:33 pm
by John W_Archive
S&M58 wrote:Maybe she was banging the cooter critters out of her fave jeanspair.

I thought that too for a minute, but then saw she was whipping the pants across a pile of trash... maybe it would get rid of some cooter critters, but I'm thinking it would dirty them up quite a bit more in the end... weird.

Anyway, glad to hear the poison ivy is going away. Did you need an ocean of calamine lotion?

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:35 pm
by tallchris_Archive
Pure L wrote:
tallchris wrote:I had my first eye exam in six years a couple days ago. During the eye exam the doctor became a little puzzled, and asked it he could take a look at my glasses for a bit.

I've had the same lenses since September 2001, but I wore contacts for the first year-and-a-half I had the glasses. Then I became lazy and started wearing the glasses more.

He comes back and tells me he's got some funny news. Apparently what I thought was my left eye getting weaker over the last couple years was actually THE LENSES IN MY GODDAMN GLASSES WERE SWITCHED!

I mean, its been six years, so I can't be that pissed. But my right eye has been overcorrected and my left eye undercorrected.

I'll be having some new proper glasses pretty soon.


Surprisingly I've never had any headaches, and my vision hasn't really been affected. I'm pretty much gonna get the same perscription, just a little stronger for each eye.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 1:40 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
Mandroid2.0 wrote:I got what appears to be one of these last night. It felt like someone was trying to rip my eyeball from its socket and then crush it with a mallet while it was still attached to the nerves.

Benadrian left for tour a few minutes ago. In addition to the remote sensation that a hoard of rabid gophers had a go at my left eye, I get to deal with not seeing my boy for three weeks.

If a large bus hits and maims me later on today, I would not be surprised.

i know a girl with some good drugs. might've fixed that for you.

i just found out recently i get migraines. like i needed another reason to be a pissy, little prick.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:54 pm
by burun_Archive
I spent about 3 hours this morning ogling Grace Jones, circa 1985.

She was getting body-painted by Keith Haring for one of her performances at the Paradise Garage.

Mmmmm, Grace Jones.

So fucking cool.

Edit: A black curtain has descended across midtown, which means only one thing: Big Fucking Storm Approaching.

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 2:59 pm
by sunlore_Archive
I was just reminded that my natural pace of walking is exactly in step with the beat on PIL's "Graveyard."

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 3:02 pm
by that damned fly_Archive
sunlore wrote:I was just reminded that my natural pace of walking is exactly in step with the beat on PIL's "Graveyard."

i walk in time to "nightclubbing." by "walk," i of course mean, "strut."

Little details from your day

Posted: Fri Aug 17, 2007 4:24 pm
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
Mandroid2.0 wrote:I got what appears to be one of these last night. It felt like someone was trying to rip my eyeball from its socket and then crush it with a mallet while it was still attached to the nerves.

Benadrian left for tour a few minutes ago. In addition to the remote sensation that a hoard of rabid gophers had a go at my left eye, I get to deal with not seeing my boy for three weeks.

If a large bus hits and maims me later on today, I would not be surprised.

This is very sad and reminds me of a story I heard from an old friend last weekend.

She was drinking to kill the pain of recently being dumped by her girlfriend of 17 years. She decided to go upstairs and lay down, as she was suddenly very "tired," and her dog tried to brush past her on the stairs. Normally, this would be no problem, but this time, due to her "fatigue," she ended up falling off the stairs (no banister) and bashing all of her front teeth out on the large wardrobe below. As she sat there in a pool of blood and teeth, alone in a house twenty miles from town and VERY drunk, she thought... "This is kind of a low point."

Hang in there, Mandroid. Three weeks passes... Benadrian gets to do what he loves (and nothing else but drive, eat and sleep) for three weeks and then he'll be back again.

I don't know what to tell you about the cluster headaches. I hope they pass quickly...