Re: What are you thinking right this second?

jfv wrote: Thu Mar 17, 2022 3:29 pm "The Russian people will always be able to distinguish true patriots from scum and traitors and simply spit them out like a fly that accidentally flew into their mouths," Putin said on Wednesday. "I am convinced that such a natural and necessary self-purification of society will only strengthen our country, our solidarity, cohesion and readiness to respond to any challenges."

That's some scary shit right there (not that what we've seen so far hasn't been scary). Europe may need to start preparing to receive Russian refugees in large quantities, too.
He's already hitting the traditional super villain stage where things aren't going according to plan and he starts lashing out and becoming more erratic and dangerous.

Re: What are you thinking right this second?

^ I follow very very little of this conflict or of the news in general, so I can't judge any of the particulars said here, but I found this thread very interesting, and worth thinking about re: Putin the madman type impressions. ... 80384.html

I do know that the Russian state is really good at propaganda. If you have been as into that scene as I have, you saw how RT totally catched the conspiracy crowd, the psychedelic enthusiasts, the Paulites, in short whole audiences of alternative western internet culture. For many years they have shown an impressive ability to sense exactly what disaffected westerners want to hear. Now their troll farms are of course well known. Those appear follow the same strategy as that of the Swedish far right (likely unsconsciously) once they started to creep onto youtube and comment fields in the mid-00s. The tactic was: show your presence, have as many comment as possible, bombard with information - sensational, exaggerated or flat out false; causing confusion, suspicion and doubt. Anything repeated, with enough conviction, can become true.

(or maybe the guy in the thread is doing a reverse psyop?... o_O)
born to give

Re: What are you thinking right this second?

I'm thinking about this sentiment Pépé Bradock expressed on the Bandcamp page of his new release, Dactylonomy IV: "As loud possible / if possible to soften the «digital edge» / do your magic please! Thank You very much, Best"

Not being especially learned in the recording sciences I just don't understand. Dude recorded "Deep Burnt" though so I trust him. Will play loud.
Justice for Destinii Hope, Kelaia Turner, Dexter Wade and Nakari Campbell

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