Relay in detail the last time you had a physical fight.

The last fight I got into was at a show here in Chicago. The wonderful Abbey pub.
The band was sucking and I was talking to the internet girl I brought, not super loud just chit chatting. We were way in the back near the bar.
Some fucking indie rocker nerd turns to me and says, all snooty 'Do you MIND I am trying to watch this band and you are talking too loud'
He had sunglasses on indoors at night, by the way.
I said 'Fuck you' and went about trying to woo this chubby Mexican girl.
Suddenly I am surrounded by three indie rocker nerds all saying 'you have a problem, man? He asked you to quiet down' One kinda half ass pushed me. The girl whispers to me 'Punch him'
Without hesitating I punched not the guy who pushed me, but the original complainer square in the face as hard as I could.
He goes down to his ass and is just stunned, sitting there in shock holding his face.
The rest of them did nothing, of course. One says 'That's it, I am getting a bouncer'
I thought that was particulary funny. 'Help! I started a fight with a guy and he won!'
When the bouncer came by to sort things out the indie rocker said 'He was talking too loud and I asked him to be quiet'
Bouncer laughs and says 'Well, I bet you won't do that again. Who the fuck are you to tell people how loud they can talk in a bar? You will get your ass kicked for that kinda thing'
The bouncer ended up making them leave, they all pissed and moaned and cried all the way out the door.
I drank well into the night, banged the internet girl and we still do impressions of those dudes whenever we end up at the Abbey Pub.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Relay in detail the last time you had a physical fight.

Orangie wrote:
modar wrote:I never thought anyone actually headbutted people.

I was born and stay in Glasgow... It's on the school curriculum.

Forehead to bridge of nose, crack, and to their knees they will fall, faster than a cheap hooker.

The headbutt, yes. Very formidable.
In my high school one of the retarded kids killed another one of the retarded kids by headbutting him.
Just 'Plonk!' and down he goes.
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Relay in detail the last time you had a physical fight.

i am to have been enjoying thee fighting posts.

here then it is my own.

since my dad was an asshole, we moved all the time. i attended 5 high schools. i was picked on my whole life, from 5th grade on. i was not big but not little, just a normal semi-scrawny kid.
9th grade, new school, new bullies. same as it ever was. but this was the year that Trompuss had had enough!
1st period sitting in my desk, i dropped my pen on the floor. behind me sat a tall blond surf rat looking guy, from the football team. when i reached down for my pen, he kicked my hand. he kicked the pen out the door of the classroom. I was shocked, i turned around and pretended like it was funny. but the guy was intent on picking a fight with me, and moments later i had somehow been talked into meeting him after football practice.
so that evening i rode my bike back to the school and when I got there, practice was over and the enitre football team was waiting with the bully for me. I rode up to them and I thought i was going to faint, my vision became tunnel vision and i was trembling. i got off the bike and walked up to him (Curtis) and without saying a word i put my best right hook into his solar plexus. then everything became a blur, adrenalin and rage took over and my little fists whirled in the air and found his face time and again. he never touched me once. i knocked him to the ground maybe three times and i remember the look in his eyes, "this isn't how this is supposed to happen." it went on maybe 3 minutes and a coach saw us and broke it up, but the damage was done and the day was mine. the next day it was the talk of the school. after that i became a dweeb magnet, every nerd and dork who was ever bullied tried to fasten himself to me. but it had been a significant moment in my life, and i ended up defending myself a few more times before i got out of high school. that's when i decided to become a professional bully. actually, being in fights early on like that i think helped me to be able to walk away from them as i got older.

Relay in detail the last time you had a physical fight.

This tale does not recount an actual altercation, and I know it's totally lame to relate a fight you almost got into, but I think it's a pretty funny story, and it's the last time I even came close to fisticuffs.

I was at a bar a couple of years ago--it was New Year's Eve, and a buddy of mine, a musician who had played earlier that night, was working the door, basically an opening between the bar and the room where bands play. It was past midnight, but since bars close at four in Louisville, we were still charging admission. My friend was pretty drunk by now, which has never added much charm to his already irascible disposition.

A woman made to walk past, and my friend said, "I need to see your stamp." She ignored him and kept walking, at which point he grabbed her arm and prevented her from entering. "You grabbed my fucking arm?!!" she screamed. "Here's my fucking stamp, asshole! You've only checked it five times already!" She shook her hand in front of his face. "Look," he said, "there's tons of people here--I don't have time to remember everybody."

I leaned against the wall without comment and took it all in. The woman was visibly drunk and dressed in an upscale manner rare at shows such as this. She continued to harangue my friend until her boyfriend emerged from the bathroom. He was a tall, Italian-looking guy, dark-complected with a prominent nose and long hair pulled back into a ponytail. I recognized them as the couple that had been making out in a corner all night, oblivious to the music. "What's the problem here?" said the guinea.

"This motherfucker grabbed my arm!" she screamed and began to rant again. The guy regarded my friend in disgust. "You know what?" he said, "I could tell you were a fucking dick when you were up onstage earlier. You've just got an inner dick in you, don't you, that's just gotta come out."

An inner dick! Can you believe it? It was all I could do to keep from laughing, and I'm sure I smiled broadly when my friend said, "Let me tell you something" and leaned up from the stool to whisper in the Italian's ear. Whatever he said did the trick--you could almost see steam coming from the man's ears as he pulled away, his face reddening, and said, "I guess I'm gonna have to knock you off that fuckin' stool."

This is where I entered the conversation. Without moving or raising my voice, I said, "Well, man, when you get done with him, you better save a little bit for me."

The guy turned and sized me up. He was a big man, taller than me (I'm 6'1"), and while he did not have my considerable bulk, he was anything but skinny. I truthfully do not know if I could have taken him, but I do know that I would die before I'd let myself be vanquished by a man with a ponytail.

After a moment, the guy said, "I guess I'm just gonna have to beat the shit out of both of you assholes." That's when I got a chance to say something I'd longed to say in a situation such as this my entire life. I said, "Wade on in, motherfucker, let's see how much you got." The entire time I had not moved from my position against the wall, and I did not raise my voice.

He glanced at his girlfriend and said, his posture already deflating, "You know what? Y'all aren't even worth it." Wordlessly, he and his girlfriend began to move away from us.

"That's right," I said. "We're not. And that's exactly what every pussy on earth says before he walks out the fucking door."

Now I had no real desire to fight him--I abhor fighting----but I was not going to stand by as he crushed my friend, an aging alcoholic gnome who, if you struck him, would dissolve into a cupful of dust. I just wanted to emasculate that asshole in front of his woman and keep him from getting laid on New Year's Eve. I know that both my friend and that woman were in the wrong--they're both assholes--but neither the woman nor her loutish beau was my friend. Where I'm from, that makes all the difference in the world.

Relay in detail the last time you had a physical fight.

Rodabod wrote:When Slipknot came out, everyone went absolutely fucking mental. One of the band members jumped straight into the crowd (the guy with a mask that looks like a s+m submariner's helmet). Anyway, my friend Michael disliked this guy and decided to twist the guy's fingers as hard as he could whilst he was crowd-surfing back to the stage.

Generally speaking, I'm not real proud of the things that I've done in my life. However, on a related note, I can very proudly relate the following story:

Slipknot was opening for some other band...I can't remember who we had actually gone to see...and in an effort to make sure that I was near the front for the headliner I went to the front for Slipknot as well. I really didn't want to, mainly because I've never liked them or their music, but I didn't want to have to try and squeeze my way through a throng of satan worshiping metal heads later on. Two or three songs into it the guy that's got a mask that looks like a clown jumps down off of the stage, and believe it or not, starts punching people! I couldn't believe it. Without even thinking about it proceeded to jump over the two people in front of me and squarely punch the fucker right in his big red nose. He fell hard, right down on his fat clown ass...and I turned and ran...mainly because I didn't want to be arrested.

Ahhh...memories. Thanks for reminding me of that Rodabod.
Oh, and fuck Mars Volta.

Relay in detail the last time you had a physical fight.

The last physical fight I was involved in occurred between my brother and me. He had stolen some of my stuff, and was high on coke? meth? LSD?. A lot of verbal sparring preceded the actual fisticuffs, the highlights of which include:"you fuckin' pussy," "I'll kick your fuckin' ass," "[i]bring it ooonn!," and "it's oooonn!."

When I fight, which is, thankfully, rare (twice in my life, as I recall), I jettison all notions of style in favor of survival and waiting until I can find an opening in an effort to end the fight quickly. In other words, I look pretty dorky in a fight. Anyway, I don't remember who threw the first punch, but it was a just short of knockdown dragout affair.

My problem was, although I fought well and minimized the damage to my face, my brother was high on some drugs, man. No matter what I did, he was not deterred, and he absorbed some substantial blows about the head and nose. It ended with a call to the cops (I also hit him with the phone receiver), who dragged him away for the night.

I'm kinda proud of my performance to this day, but I probably shouldn't be. More than anything, what occurred was unfortunate. If I wanted to pontificate a la Bill Bennett, I'd tell you "drugs are bad." That doesn't work. But I can tell you that heavy drug use transforms people you love and care for into people who aren't fit to clean your toilet. I'll say no more.
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hayseedboys wrote:wel, i have an ider about a trucker who rapes an entire town...

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