Bands that you really liked that just sorta...disappeared

Chapter Two wrote:
yawn wrote:Tim Furnish of Crain is doing Parlour now. Will Chatham posts on this board. You can download some stuff that never made it to vinyl (the early stuff with Drew from Matmos singing) from his website geekamongus.

Is this the Crain of Sunderland?

Actually, it's probably not. But there was a fine, fine band from Sunderland who may have been called Crane rather than Crain. They played with Fugazi over here a few times. They were very good indeed.

No, this is the Crain from Louisville, KY. Joey Mudd can be spotted maybe once a year doing solo stuff at The Rudyard Kipling. Jon Cook just had a baby. Tony Bailey plays drums for Lords now, and, well, I'm sure most of you saw Todd Cook in one form or another this past year.

Bands that you really liked that just sorta...disappeared

tommydski wrote:that band called HUM.

Hum just played a reunion show last month in Champaign. They did one last year too. I expect they will do this again. Matt runs a studio just outside Champaign and plays in Centaur with Derek from Castor.

Mr. Chimp wrote:
Hey! More Champaign-related MIAs:

The Mezzanines
Honcho Overload

Tim from Hum and TJ from LoveCup put out a record a few years ago under the name.Glifted

My friend Frantz (drummer for C-Clamp) is currently jamming with TJ. Not sure if it will go anywhere.

Jason from Castor is now in Tummler. Jeff from Castor was playing in Year of the Rabbit, but I think they broke up.

Bands that you really liked that just sorta...disappeared

Tree wrote:I'm sure Please Forever is up to something, but they have seemed pretty silent for the last two years.

I get home from work to find that not only am I not good at proofreading, but I got away with calling Pleasure Forever "Please Forever". I'm very disappointed in you guys.

Balto_Dragon, maybe you can help: Love Life became Birdland became Celebration or something like that? I had a Love Life single that was heart-shaped. They were good.

Also, The Convocation Of... What happened to these guys?

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