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The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 3:54 pm
by Andrew L_Archive
Michael Gregory Bridavsky wrote:
Andrew L, you and I, we voted completely against eachother in The Jung Division! We have canceled eachother out, it is like we never voted! WTF?
Good thing we're not in a band together.
The name as submitted was Gentle Fudge but I may like Gentile Fudge better. On second thought, I don't like it better but I still wish I had thought of it.
Fine eye, timmx, you caught me.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 5:02 pm
by steve_Archive
The Albini Division
Are you there god? It’s me Danzig (1A)
Punch You Face Me (2A)
Ed Begley, Jr. and Solar-Powered Corolla (14A)
tightest diaper (4A)
people, hi-five the pope (5A)
Bring Me the Head of Barry Bonds (6A)
Pant Gift (7A)
Stephen Hawking and the Bendy Straws (8A)
The Stack Division
Wyaoming (1S)
Roboweakling (2S)
Which Base Is Fingering? (3S)
The Taste of Steel as Your Last Meal (13S)
Ter-Fucken' (5S)
Book Reference Book (11S)
Fuck You and Your Impregnable Fortress! (10S)
Paulina, Melvina, and Lunt (8S)
The Weissenberger Division
Police Teeth (1W)
Fyddylstyxx (2W)
Curry Favor (3W)
Botanical Bulls (13W)
Simon Says: Go Fuck Yourself (5W)
VanDerSnatch (11W)
Shortbus Mutiny (10W)
Skirt of Pee (8W)
The Jung Division
Syndrome of a Down (1J)
The Queen Is Dad (15J)
Diarrhea Piñata (14J)
Test Fuck (4J) v. Crass Crown (13J) (epic overtime battle still undecided. So close...)
Practice Wife (12J)
Pole Positioned (11J)
lasers for eyes, swords for arms, wheels for feet, I win (7J)
I Want to Sink Your Sailboats (8J)
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:32 pm
by scott_Archive
Results thus far are compiled...
Three of youze missed one matchup in your responses.
Justin did it on purpose.
tmidgett, you have not voted in the Stack division in the 6S vs 11S battle.
itchy, you have not voted in the Albini division in the 5A vs 12A battle.
If these non-votes were accidental, I'm assuming Al won't be angered if you submit revised votes. If you do it by editing your original posts, it'd be great if you could PM me and let me know that you've made a change in an old post.
Tim, you will be breaking a tie with your vote! Do not swoon from the power!
FYI, I think there should be some sort of prize that goes to the person whose picks are most in accordance with the final results of the voting. Perhaps a "Median Poster" award of some sort?
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:35 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
scott wrote:Results thus far are compiled...
AlBStern, have you appointed scott as your Vice-Judge?
If not, then I will continue to ignore his informational posts.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 6:53 pm
by scott_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:scott wrote:Results thus far are compiled...
AlBStern, have you appointed scott as your Vice-Judge?
If not, then I will continue to ignore his informational posts.
I have sent a PM to Mr Al, offering my analysis to him either as a primary source for the tallying, or as a secondary source to be used to verify his primary counts. If he or anyone else wants to go through the process of compiling and verifying the results on his own, more power to him. I estimate it will take someone very well-versed in Excel somewhere on the order of 1-2 hours.
BTW, what do you mean by using the word vice-"judge"? Tallying results is not any sort of
judging process, is it? It's a data analysis process, not a judging process, right? Wrong?
I prefer to think of myself as an independent data analyst. Ignore if you want. But my counts are fucking gold.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:23 pm
by AlBStern_Archive
I have taken Scott up on his offer to databulate or whatever it is he "excels" at.
scott wrote:
And don't get me wrong, I like Al even though he always seems to brush up against my ass when he walks past... but if I were Brad, Al woulda been eliminated quite early on for this submission:
All those Ass brushings are starting to pay off
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:30 pm
by scott_Archive
AlBStern wrote:I have taken Scott up on his offer to databulate or whatever it is he "excels" at.
YES! Now Brad will have to start returning my phone calls! An PM's... Emails, letters, AIM's, telegrams, video chat invitations, knocks on his door in the middle of the night, "chance" encounters at the supermarket, accepting the packages I send him (that mostly contain tshirts with my face on them), etc etc.
Mister Weissenberger, I implore you: Ignore no more!
Al, out of curiosity, are Brad and Angus precluded from voting since they were judges in the previous phase?
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Mon Dec 05, 2005 8:51 pm
by AlBStern_Archive
All are welcome to vote, of course. Without Judge Brad and Judge Jung, we would have no tournament.
Viva Democracy! Viva Freedom!
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 2:26 am
by scott_Archive
Al has ordered me to have a tally on his desk first thing in the morning. So to all the dear Brits, get your votes in ASAP. I've probably only got another hour in me before the ZZZZZZ's take over.
The 2005 EAMUBN64NSET Thread!
Posted: Tue Dec 06, 2005 6:18 am
by Linus Van Pelt_Archive
scott wrote:If he or anyone else wants to go through the process of compiling and verifying the results on his own, more power to him. I estimate it will take someone very well-versed in Excel somewhere on the order of 1-2 hours.
I used a pen and a piece of paper, and it took me 65 minutes, and that's with some screw-ups. I have your results right here, up to and including steve's ballot.
Nobody's appointed me anything, I just wanted to rise to Scott's challenge - I thought I could do it in less than an hour for sure. Oh well. Now we've got a third set of results at least.
tmidgett wrote:1. 'down syndrome' is in fact proper terminology.
I stand corrected.