Band: The Breeders

Total votes: 12 (15%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 68 (85%)
Total votes: 80

Band: The Breeders

tommydski wrote:"josephine do you think you are going bald?"
"you've asked me that before and the answer was 'no' and it's still 'no'"

I always thought it was "growing balls", referring to her balls-out bass playing on that song (and the rest of the album)...

Edit: I love the version of "Saints" on the Head to Toe EP, is that the same one? "I like sticky everywhere". I always thought it was "Someone is ready when you are...". I think Kim Deal does pure uncomplicated lust better than almost anyone else. Case in point: Roi "Raw: where the shot leaves me gagging for the arrow". Or maybe I'm just a perv.

Fantastic, fantastic band. There was a whole year in my youth when I listened daily to Last Splash and In Utero (the were on the same tape) with maybe a little bit of In On The Killtaker to even things out.

Band: The Breeders

Marsupialized wrote:Sorry, I got about 5 words in and just said fuck this dude. I'm sure it's a mighty burn or whatnot but I just don't have it in me

Thank you for proving my point even further

242sumner wrote:dimpfelmoser,Nimm das Leben nicht so schrecklich ernst.
Du hast den Mut, deine Meinung zu schreiben. Das kann man dir nicht vorwerfen.
So wichtig ist es nicht,was man über dich denkt.Nimm es bitte nicht persönlich.Du verlierst deine Zeit, als du das machst.
Niemand kennt dich besser, als deine Freunde.

Don't you worry, I'm not taking this, or life in General too serious. In fact, my parents think that I'm not taking it not serious enough, but then, parents probably always think that.
If I would take it serious, I would probably try to endear myself.
but thanks

Mayhem & Love

Band: The Breeders

dimpfelmoser wrote:On the other hand, you should learn to deal with the fact, that people have differnt oppinions about different things, i,e, opinions that differ from your own. Its called pluralism. Its quite a crucial ingredient of our democracy.

You are making a troll argument for trolls.

Unlike your seedy friend who can't stop writing in schoolboy German, I believe you are well aware that your incessant logorrheic prattle is somewhat annoying and mildly depressing to people on here. You persevere because you are perfectly comfortable with conversations about fine rock bands turning in to conversations about your person.

It's not about "pluralism", it's about getting on people tits. You know this, and I already said too much.

Band: The Breeders

its not me who does that.
this is a crap/non crap forum
I call Title TK a lacklustre affair, which is really a mild comment, bearing in mind what bands are usually called in this section.
So Steve chips in and asks me kindly to stop talking out of my ass.
This is, I think you'll agree, where it gets slightly personal.
Predictably the usual suspects like Marsthingy and that other bloke jump onto the bandwagon, and as Marsthing said, he doesn't care about wether or not I like the Breeders, he just wants to take the opportunity to tell me what a fuckwit I am.

Therefore I find it slightly ironic, that you accuse me of turning this thread into a conversation about me.
Honestly, I could do without all that hostility.
Mayhem & Love

Band: The Breeders

Compared to the previous bands of the two most significant, original members (Throwing Muses and Pixies): CRAP.

Compared to 'indie-rock' in general: NOT CRAP.

I'd never buy a Breeders record, but I wouldn't vomit into my lap if they were playing on the car radio either.

Pure :WF: then.

Band: The Breeders

dimpfelmoser wrote:I call Title TK a lacklustre affair, which is really a mild comment, bearing in mind what bands are usually called in this section.
So Steve chips in and asks me kindly to stop talking out of my ass.
This is, I think you'll agree, where it gets slightly personal.

I am really not interested in prolonging this conversation. Just this:

I don't think Steve asked you that because of your opinion on a Breeders record. I think Steve asked you that because you were making derogatory and grossly uninformed remarks about a personal friend of his. In other words, because you were talking out of your ass.

But hey, what do I know.

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