Tom wrote:There is a band that plays around Lansing somtimes called Acoustic Hookah.
A reference to "Acoustic Hookah". What an irritating band.
But wait. It gets even more irritating.
Are you ready?
OK. Here it comes.
"Acoustic Hookah" is actually known as
Ekoostik Hookah.
Ekoostik Hookah, people. This band chose the "Ekoostik Hookah" name for itself.
Ekoostik fuckin' Hookah.
In the defense of Ekoostik Hookah, you know exactly what to expect from this band based on the name alone. No one could ever accuse these guys of false advertising.
MARQUEE OR SHOW POSTER: "Tonight -- Ekoostik Hookah!"
BRADLEY R. WEISSENBERGER: "Well, that's that. I'm out."
By the way, and as noted on the band's website, Ekoostok Hookah apparently is "on a break". Note to bands: please don't tell me that you are on a break. You are either still together (and I can anticipate/dread future shows and records from you at some point) or you have broken up.
"On a break" is a great example of band hubris. "Hey! We're not doing anything at all! This is what we're telling you, so make note of it! Pay attention to the fact that we are doing nothing at all!"
Seriously, bands. Go right ahead and crow about your great review in the Daily Spartan. Tell me how you slayed in Kalamazoo. Send an unrequested e-mail to me about your gig at the upcoming "Jamaican Me Crazy" party at the Delta Sig house. Post an mp3 to your website of your ten-minute version of Big Mountain's version of UB40's version of Peter Frampton's version of "Baby I Love Your Way".
Do all of these things. Have fun with them. Enjoy your little corner of the musical world.
But skip the "on a break" nonsense.
Seriously. Fuck you, "on a break" bands.