Ally In Exile wrote:a buddy of mine told me Samuel Beckett used to drive Andre the Giant to school in the morning because he, Andre, was too big to fit in the school bus.
now that's a funny mental image, those two driving together.
I Googled the hell out of this as soon as I read it. According to Wikipedia, it is true.
I repeat: Samuel Beckett--Nobel Laureate, credited with the invention of The Theater of the Absurd, who's dark and funny work has inspired literary and dramatic movements in two languages, who was James Joyce's secretary and personally transcribed Finnegan's Wake for the dying author, who's play's characters often live in ashcans or human zoos or godless netherworlds, who's writing was so far beyond the pale that one novel actually required no punctuation--was Andre' The Giant's boyhood chauffeur.
Of course he was.