i think i should be allowed to smoke in bars if i choose to.
at the end of the day, nothing that happens in a bar is good for your health. if you don't like it, go elsewhere.
if i start smoking havanas in a library or a health spa, then we have a problem.
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
42BadComrade wrote:
Not Crap
That's one hell of a jury
Ty Webb wrote:I hope the little-known 8th dwarf, Chinky, is on that list.
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
43steve wrote:Arson Smith wrote:Finally, I concluded that I am actually way more concerned about Secondhand Cocksuck.
You mean spit and spatter?
The spit and spatter?
The goddamn baby batter!
Smoke much less matter.
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
44marijuana is illegal. relative to that, i think anti-cigarette laws are trivial.
http://www.soundclick.com/hanabimusic (band)
http://www.myspace.com/iambls (i make beats for that dude)
http://www.myspace.com/iambls (i make beats for that dude)
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
45BClark wrote:marijuana is illegal. relative to that, i think anti-cigarette laws are trivial.
OK, I'll bite..... why do you think one have to do with the other?
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
46I'm not terribly concerned about second-hand smoke and the lazy, self-righteous, assholes who champion it. I want to know what is being done about jeweler's who use hydrogen cyanide to gild their wares. The Jewelry store is a public place and I demand that they cease to use such dangerous chemicals in my proximity.
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
47Chapter Two wrote:
I could just sit and look at this all day.
That is what you do all day isn't it?
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
48Earwicker wrote:Chapter Two wrote:
Thats him officer
number 6.
I'll never forget those eyes.
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
49Chromodynamic wrote: I want to know what is being done about jeweler's who use hydrogen cyanide to gild their wares. The Jewelry store is a public place and I demand that they cease to use such dangerous chemicals in my proximity.
Really? Sounds bad... how many deaths in this country a year are linked to it?
I know you are being (or trying to be) a funny guy and I should just ease up and giggle with the rest but there are real health risks for a lot of people due to second hand smoke. I find that most people that blow that idea off are people who don't want to stop smoking or in some way benefit financially from the tobacco industry, not people that have evidence to the contrary.
Secondhand Cigarette Smoke
50i'd agree with a smoking ban except for in bars or the privacy of your own home. i never go anywhere that isn't either, or both, of these places anyhow.
i'm not a rude person. if you were eating or asked me not to smoke in your company, i would comply because i know smoking is antisocial. but smelling second hand smoke is infinitely preferable to the smell of beer farts, trust me.
i'm not a rude person. if you were eating or asked me not to smoke in your company, i would comply because i know smoking is antisocial. but smelling second hand smoke is infinitely preferable to the smell of beer farts, trust me.
run joe run wrote:Kerble your enthusiasm.