How was the Touch and Go 25th?

Great time overall, minus poopy weather today.

Seeing Killdozer, Scratch Acid, Big Black, Arcwelder, etc, etc outweighed the douchiness on display during Monorchid's set, namely the jerkoff throwing stink bombs in the crowd. Fuck you. Hard. In the ass.

I thought the "Professional Camera" rules were enforced inconsistently. As in, I got booted for having a 25 year old SLR with lenses whilst other people are walking around with one or two $1000 or more DSLRs around their necks. They can't all be press. I lucked out and had a friend that I could ditch my other lenses with and get the rig back inside, but it was insulting and pedantic of the fest to have such a pointless rule on the books. I'll bring a 4x5 view camera to the next one of these things.

How was the Touch and Go 25th?

you know, I was thinking about the douchiness of people during this festival. I thought about this while some dumb hippie from California kept bumping into me during Shellac's set and begged me to speak into his tape recorder.

So, I rationalized it.. I thought..."Well, there are 7000 people here...the odds on EVERYONE being totally cool are not good." Normally, I'd let it bum me out, but its a big enough can go somewhere else.

I told the guy--politely--that I was trying to enjoy the show and he was keeping me from doing so. He apologized and walked away. Simple as that...doesn't mean I'm going to anymore festivals, but still...its much easier than getting pissed about it.
Stephen Sowley
Capt. James T. Lunatic wrote:I Didn't Fight A Secret War In Nicaragua So You Could Walk These Streets Of Freedom Badmouthing Lady America, In Your Damn Mirrored Sunglasses

How was the Touch and Go 25th?

Schaal wrote:Great time overall, minus poopy weather today.

Seeing Killdozer, Scratch Acid, Big Black, Arcwelder, etc, etc outweighed the douchiness on display during Monorchid's set, namely the jerkoff throwing stink bombs in the crowd. Fuck you. Hard. In the ass.

I thought the "Professional Camera" rules were enforced inconsistently. As in, I got booted for having a 25 year old SLR with lenses whilst other people are walking around with one or two $1000 or more DSLRs around their necks. They can't all be press. I lucked out and had a friend that I could ditch my other lenses with and get the rig back inside, but it was insulting and pedantic of the fest to have such a pointless rule on the books. I'll bring a 4x5 view camera to the next one of these things.

I know that T&G was recording the shows with several different camerapersons for possibly a DVD thing. They might have been the folks you saw.
Greg Norman FG

How was the Touch and Go 25th?

Killdozer was greatness. Their half-assed attempts to tune were pure spun gold. They looked like they got roused from their respective jobs just moments before taking the stage. They then simply crushed.

The bands were great, the people were great.

So many old friends, so many 'current' friends, so many introductions to people I never knew before but shared memories with (Painful Discharge and Circle Confusion to name a couple of bands that came up in conversations, out of the blue, that made us go 'Yeah, I was there...'

It was something more than nostalgia. It was more than an accounting.

So glad I could make it.

How was the Touch and Go 25th?

Ranxerox wrote:

It was something more than nostalgia. It was more than an accounting.

So glad I could make it.

Agreed... though there were times it was like a highschool reunion... if I were to have liked many people in my highschool... but it was also weird... many many people I do not know by name yet we knew each others faces from being at shows together throughout the years... lots of that.. like "Hey!" "yeah, hey!" from folks from the past... it was a very warm, friendly crowd for the most part... lots of smiling.

What a fun weekend... makes me miss a lot of what I did when I was younger and miss who I did it with...

How was the Touch and Go 25th?

And oh man, Cocorosie just killed. I could not believe how beautiful their performance was. For a few minutes, everything was exactly right. I wish the moment was a place I could visit again and again.

Steve said the perfect words to the warm up for Big Black. Not a second of it felt like it was looking backwards. I am not sure if the short set came about because of the time it would have taken get get up to speed on more songs, or if it was because more would have changed it from the love note to the label I felt like it was. I saw some of the crowd whooping it up cause big Black kicked ass, and because the finally got to see them, but it just made me feel like I hade family on the stage and in parts of the crowd.

No one cares for my political theory, but I swear on anything that without such unwavering examples of integrity I am not sure I would believe in anything.

How was the Touch and Go 25th?

hey guess what the monorchid were terrible and always terrible and I hate them. FIRE THE STAGE MANAGER! seriously who the fuck do they think they are? I had about 7-8 bloody marys and Monorchid sucked and enon were alright and 3 mile pilot were so good and they are doing a new record and seam was great but stoic and Blackheart Procession made me watch a pigeon and then I thought about my dad and I started to cry and instead of being bored I was just all veklempt and all of a sudden I got into the music but my friends were next to me and I started to really cry so I had to run away and get another drink. Cocorosie had a harp and my sister used to play the harp and it made me want to go buy a real 7 foot tall orchestra harp and have it sent to her house by surprise so that she could play again and do something besides being fat and stupid (and awesome, loving and wonderful).
And pinback were kind of boring again, but Kenseth is my boy and he did his thing and I got some mini cheeseburgers and gave a $20 to some girl because I found out it was her birthday. And then I drank some more and saw Calexico from way back and they are awesome becuae they are from Arizona which touches corners with Colorado and they covered Jesus and Tequila which is the best minutemen song ever. and then I left.

How was the Touch and Go 25th?

I know that T&G was recording the shows with several different camerapersons for possibly a DVD thing. They might have been the folks you saw.

I mean still cameras, my friend. Security dudes were in a huff over me having an old film camera with detachable lenses. Other spectators had expensive new digital still cameras on the grounds, so it was a bit frustrating to get treated like a leper for one thing and then see tons of people with similar, more professional gear later. Inconsistent. I can't see any sense in banning people with still cameras in the day and age of cell phone technology, etc. What's funny is that I then ditched the lenses and had only the camera and one lens and it got in! Nice.

Anyone see the videos up on youtube?

Camera b.s. aside, the fest was a dream come true.

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