Band: Mogwai

Total votes: 20 (23%)
Total votes: 66 (77%)
Total votes: 86

Band: Mogwai

I saw them live a few days ago. The new tracks are boring as shit, and it killed the gig. Which sucks cause I had no idea where I was when they played 'Mogwai Fear Satan'.

One of the new songs was so bad I refused to clap. I'm sure it showed them.

Oh, and the drummer sounds like he plays in a 80's mainstream rock band.

And I still don't get how can Adam hate them degree and still like Explosions in the Sky.

Overall, NC but with massive waffles.

Band: Mogwai

Hey, I like blur.
Anyway, I met a girl and she asked me, "so did you see 'explosions' at lolla?" after I told her I would check them out. I told her, "Yeah, have you ever heard of Mogwai" it was a fun conversation from that point on and since this whole things is just a crap/not crap: my opinion. I vote NC based solely on the fact that Mogwai gave me 15 minutes of good conversation.
Lonesome Bulldog wrote:Oh I neglected to mention that my penis has barbs, like a cat.

Band: Mogwai

i like blur, too. my mention of them was supposed to be at mogwai's expense because of how i recall they felt about blur. don't they have a shirt that says "blur are shite."?
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Band: Mogwai

Not Crap.

I was a youngun when i first heard Mogwai and was interested enough to buy the New Paths To Helicon single. I liked it, but didn't love it. Then i saw them live, and they blew me away. It could very well have been a time and place thing, but the occasional cool track and stunning performance since, leads me to believe otherwise. I have since bought several of their records and seen them live many times. I don't particularly think they work that well on record too often, and i have also seen them do some gigs that were terribly uninspiring to me. This does not make them crap though. Not by a long shot.

A good Mogwai song can be a thing of joy (see: 'My Father My King', 'Tracy', 'Dial:Revenge'), and when they fire on all cylinders live it is a sight to behold. I still try to check out anything they release and catch their tours when it is not totally inconvenient, and even more recent records have some songs i really liked. ('Glasgow Mega-Snake' from Mr Beast for example).

Like others have said, Mogwai came along at a time when they were desperately needed. They opened the floodgates to all sorts of music for me, my friends and many people like us had never even heard of. Mogwai, i own many of your records but rarely put them on. Your live show is a risk i run as it either destroys me or makes me sleepy (and seems to cost a lot too). But still, how could i ever vote crap? You helped make me who i am today and i am thankful. I for one am very glad that a band like Mogwai are around.

You're a shit DM and i want my pizza money back.

Band: Mogwai

fargokamikaze wrote:10,000 people told me that this band was kick ass...

then i listened to several albums...

and I wanted to fall asleep...

and I nearly did...



I thought so too when I first heard them. But I think Come On Die Young features several immediately engaging tracks, and, at this point the whole album has grown on me; become a perennial favorite of sorts. I think Young Team is also quite good, though I don't like it as much as CODY.

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