Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

newberry wrote:Me too. Again, if mercury causes autism, it seems to me it wouldn't be all that difficult to prove that. So far, after all the studies, I don't think anyone has (kindly correct me if I'm wrong).

This is a quote from the National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke, which is a branch of the National Institute of Health, and has a .gov web address. It's from the page on tremors.
A tremor is generally caused by problems in parts of the brain that control muscles throughout the body or in particular areas, such as the hands.Neurological disorders or conditions that can produce tremor include multiple sclerosis, stroke, traumatic brain injury, and neurodegenerative diseases that damage or destroy parts of the brainstem or the cerebellum. Other causes include the use of some drugs (such as amphetamines, corticosteroids, and drugs used for certain psychiatric disorders), alcohol abuse or withdrawal, mercury poisoning, overactive thyroid, or liver failure.

Just to be clear- you are not disputing that mercury poisoning is a listed cause of many brain disorders; you only dispute the link between mercury and autism?

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

yeah I think mercury is a very likely culprit, but I think i was trying to lead into the environmental issue a tad more. An amish control group is good, but (and I may be wrong) amish people tend to eat as much of their own food as they can right? Mercury is a funny thing since it's hard to get out. Fish have such a high mercury content that it's not recommended for pregnant women to eat tuna. Mercury also increases as you go up the food chain, so a linear increase at the bottom would essentially correspond to sharper
(near exponential) increase at the top. I think mercury content in humans is probably increasing exponentially or at least compounding on itself because it is hard to get out, corresponding to a better relation. Amish people might just get away with much lower rates due to an (assumed) lower fish diet and their culture. Maybe their crops don't get the same amount of mercury because of methods of irrigation. I'm saying the amish are different enough in their diet and customs for food that they might get away unaffected.

Also, I think it's fucking bullshit that parents aren't warned of possible problems of vaccines and given a choice before hand, and I think more research needs to go into the causes for adverse reactions on these.

My paranoia: over medication and the overuse of agents.
I especially think that unless someone has an immune system vulnerability, they shouldn't receive flu shots for convenience, and I also think people shouldn't buy antibacterial soap/disinfectants for everything. We don't want a virus or bacteria to adapt and become unresponsive.

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

This page has some strong arguments pointing out the flaws in the Amish argument.

Also, I think it's fucking bullshit that parents aren't warned of possible problems of vaccines and given a choice before hand, and I think more research needs to go into the causes for adverse reactions on these.

I'm not a parent, so I don't know how this works exactly. If there are potential dangers with vaccines, I wholeheartedly agree that people should be warned. Are you sure that they aren't warned (I don't know, I'm asking)? And I'm skeptical that they aren't given a choice--is someone forcing kids to be vaccinated against the will of their parents?

I think it's "fucking bullshit" that the supplement industry can make health claims about their products without proving safety and efficacy first (and of course there's a lot of "fucking bullshit" going on with big drug companies and other large corporations).

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

Hour_of_the_Wolf wrote:Clocker Bob,

As I'm someone who is diagnosed with Asperger's Syndrome and knows many people with various conditions of autism, I find your comment insensitive and sickening.

They have a normal child, and after the third round of shots, autism appears.

"Normal" ? Are you stereotyping now? Most of us manage to function just fine in spite of everything. Thank you.

Don't be a giant meatball. Normal is synonymous with healthy. An abnormal brain is a brain with autism.

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

Parents might warned to a point, but not really given a choice or educated on it at all. Vaccines are great and all, but not in every case. When we moved to a new state my brother was current on his immunizations and they wouldn't let him into school until he was. It took two doctors notes (from different doctors) saying that he had a past history of epilepsy from vaccines. One doctor wouldn't sign it because he believed that my brother should be vaccinated, and that he wasn't convinced that the epilepsy was a result of his response to the vaccinations. Most any other parent probably wouldn't have bothered to jump through all the hoops, because if a doctor says you need something most people are going to listen. Nearly losing a kid once to something is going to make you think about it the next time.

The stupid thing about all of this: Why would a school care? If all the other kids are vaccinated, the only kid in harm is the one who isn't vaccinated.

This all reminds me of this recent bullshit:

HPV vaccinations ... wsid=62417

Autism-Mitochondrial Dysfunction Link: 1 in 200 At Risk

nihil wrote:
clocker bob wrote:Normal is synonymous with healthy.

This is grossly incorrect. That's all I'm going to say.

Another whiny heckler appears.

Normal: Conforming with, adhering to, or constituting a norm, standard, pattern, level, or type.

Healthy: possessing good health.

Therefore, as long as the majority of humans possess good health, such a state is described as 'normal', and the state of poor health falls into the category of 'abnormal'.

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