First Primary Debates

Mitt Romney had the best opportunity to gain ground going into this and certainly didn't disappoint his advisors, he relied heavily on his charisma, Reagan references, and diffused the religion issue effectively with the word 'faith' again and again.
Sam Brownback seemed most erudite of the bunch with subtle and smart panders to the religious right.
Jim Gilmore and Mike Huckabee surprised me with their performances, but did nothing to really stand out in the crowded field.
Duncan Hunter seemed not crazy. Which was wierd.
John McCain was jittery, nervous, over-scripted, and insincere
Rudy Giuliani seemed confident. I was hoping for a meltdown in round one.
Tom Tancredo bombed.
Tommy Thompson is a dying Darth Vader.
Ron Paul is my hero.

First Primary Debates

McCain didn't strike me as rehearsed so much as just nervous. He really seemed nervous those first 10-15 minutes, but seemed to loosen up a bit - but not much. I was bummed he didn't do better.

I gotta be honest, I still think Romney's gonna be the candidate. He articulated his points very well in the allotted time, and definitely felt the most 'presidential', even if not always being direct.

edit: I'd like to add that I wish the media would give Ron Paul some more face time. He's got a lot of good things to say, and needed much more time to elaborate his style of governing. Bummed by this too.
"The best argument against democracy is a five minute conversation with the average voter."
-Winston Churchill

First Primary Debates

unarmedman wrote:McCain didn't strike me as rehearsed so much as just nervous.

I thought he leaned on obvious cacthphrases a bit too much. At one point Matthews asked him a question about Osama Bin Laden, and Mccain ran through the "I'm gonna get him" thing rather quickly, all uncomfortably pointing at the camera, feigning threatning, and right at the end he seemed to add on something, as if he nearly forgot it, and said "...and I will follow him to the gates of hell." Then he let loose the biggest smile I've ever seen. It seemed so ridiculous that he cracked himself up.

First Primary Debates

Funny how Ron Paul, the "crazy loon" candidate, comes off the most credible. The rest of them are nuts. Half of them admitted to not believing in evolution. Shit, Thompson said he was in favor of discriminating against sexual orientation in the work place.

Are these guys fucking serious? The GOP's going down in flames. Good riddance.

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