holy fuck SUNN O))) are LOUDDDDDDD!!

houseboat wrote:
gjhardwick wrote:When the lighting technicians asked Neil, one of the guitarists for Wolves what the band wanted the lights to be like when they played, he said 'Make it look like War'

and it did...

I ate dinner with you once, when you were with Bologna Pony supporting Magik Markers in Cambridge. I remember being very amused at this story.


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holy fuck SUNN O))) are LOUDDDDDDD!!

trilonaut wrote:[
jucifer puts on a better show. the sound is more impressive, and yes, i believe it to be louder. jucifer live is an awesome spectacle i highly recommend checking out at least once. the amp rig actually sounds as over the top as it looks.

sunn live is boring. i actually prefer sunn records because they have ear candy and stuff .

Yeah that amp rig is fuckin' insane. The only problem that I had with them live is that Amber's voice ranges from soft, delicate female vocals to banshee scream. The scream comes across fine, but the soft parts get lost under the roar of her amps. --You can see her head bobbing around on the mic, so you know she's singing, but her guitar is so loud that it completely stomps her singing.

holy fuck SUNN O))) are LOUDDDDDDD!!

tarandfeathers wrote:I've seen Sunn a few times and never found them to be excessively loud. When they played with Boris and Thrones at the Underworld in 2003 Boris were easily louder (also probably the best or second best Boris show I've seen). Both bands are great though, and rarely comparable.

I also saw Khanate play in Nottingham and they were underwhelmingly quiet, not to mention comical. The theatrics of their set really backfired, if you ask me. Guapo, on the other hand, tore the place up at that gig.

I'm guessing that's because Guapo are actually a good band and Khanate is a big pile of horse jizz. But when I saw Khanate, I have to say, they were destructively loud and harsh on my ears.

Noise artists tend to be loud, Wolf Eyes was quite loud.

When I typed 'Guapo are a good band' I actually typed 'Guapo are a good plan' then I went back and changed it. ??? I'm going weird.

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