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Dwight Fry
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The God Of Fuck
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Total votes: 34

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

zom-zom wrote:

I made this ink-scratchy in high school, 1974.

One of my prize possessions is a multi-color painting of Alice Cooper--on a window shade--done by some stoner chick in Shively, Kentucky, circa 1976. I don't have a digital image of it, but it's a truly beautiful work of art.

The late Chad Donnelly, singer for Louisville punk band OUT., once asked me what I listened to before punk rock. I told him that the holy trinity of Malignant Growth was Sabbath, The Stooges, and Alice Cooper--you couldn't be in the band if you didn't love alll three bands. Chad allowed for Sabbath and The Stooges, but he ridiculed me for liking Coop, calling it "pinky rock" (Chuck Berry-derived boogie) and claiming that no one but old-timers like me got it.

I told him that the next time I came to Louisville, I'd have a personally selected Alice Cooper cassette for him. And the time after that when I came to town, he'd be so grateful he'd wanna suck my dick. Needless to say, OUT. covered "Under My Wheels" on its next record.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

Dudley wrote:Didn't Alice once stand for Mayor of somewhere, under the slogan of "A troubled man for troubled times"?

I'm not a fan of his, but for that alone, he deserves kudos. I'd vote for pretty much anyone standing on that ticket. (Ironically, possibly not Alice, but hey - nobody said being iconoclastic was going to be easy)

Marilyn Manson - yawn

This pretty much nails him.


"You hear that, kids? Marilyn Manson says you should shoot your friends in the head with a gun! And everyone should eat babies! And rape their dead grandparents! And poop on a church! There, now will someone please be offended?"
The cat with the toast, once it's free in the air, will float at its cat-toast equilibrium point, where butter repulsion forces and cat forces are in balance.

Thunderdome: Alice Cooper vs Marilyn Manson

From 1969 - 1972, Alice Cooper had one of the all time greatest hard rock outputs, eclipsed only by bands like Sabbath in badassedness.

"Billion Dollar Babies" and "Killer" have been in my father's car since they were released most likely. I've seen vinyl, cassette, and CD copies of this album at various points in my life.

Marilyn Manson dreams about being as awesome as Alice Cooper, who in real life I've read is one of the nicest, down-to-earth people ever.

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