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Telegraph UK: No Time For Oswald To Fire 3 Bullets

Posted: Tue Oct 23, 2007 3:35 am
by Earwicker_Archive
As i understand it Kennedy was going to restructure the CIA and sack lots of powerful types therein. (CIA pissed off)
He was also not going to escalate the trouble in Vietnam. (Military Indiustrial Complex pissed off)
He had also begun a state run financial system (or some such). (private banks pissed off)
He had also begun cracking down on the Mafia which was seen as betrayal as they helped him get in in the first place. (Mafia pissed off)

It don't need saying but after Kennedy is shot those CIA nobs don't get sacked, Vietnam War escalates, new state printed money recalled, Mafia not cracked down upon.

Sure no one benefited.

I also recently saw a show purporting to prove that Oswald did it (I think it might have been mentioned on here somewhere). Anyways it was shit. It explained part of the magic bullet theory and extrapolated that all the unanswered questions were therefore answerable.
It was utter bollocks. It reinforced the myth and beyond the partial bullet explanation didn't even attempt to answer any awkward question.

(for those interested the bullet was able to do what it did because Kennedy was slightly elevated and slightly at an angle to the governor - not directly behind him - didn't bother to mention the perfectly unfired bullet alleged to have done the magic and didn't mention the other bullet coming from - er - the front.)

Telegraph UK: No Time For Oswald To Fire 3 Bullets

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:35 am
by galanter_Archive
Regarding bullet deformation...

A description from elsewhere of the simulation done for a Discovery Channel special...

"A Discovery Channel special "Unsolved History: JFK — Beyond the Magic Bullet", attempted to replicate, as well as possible, the conditions of that day. The participants set up blocks of ballistics gel with a substance similar to human bone inside. These studies showed that largely undeformed bullets were possible to produce, if they were slowed by a passage though a tissue-like substance before striking bone. Next, two mannequin figures made of ballistic anatomical substances (animal skin, gelatin, and interior bone-like cast) were set up in the exact relative position of JFK and Connally. A marksman, from a distance equal to that of the sixth floor of the Book Depository building, fired the same rifle model found in the Book Depository, using a round from the same batch of "Western Case Cartridge Company" 6.5x52 mm ammunition purchased with the surplus Carcano weapon in early 1963. The path of their single bullet (followed by high speed photography) duplicated, almost exactly, the wounds suffered by the victims that day, the only difference being that the bullet did not quite have enough energy to penetrate the "thigh" substance in front of the Connally figure, because it struck an extra bone in the "rib" model (i.e., it fractured 2 ribs in the model vs. one rib in Connally). It was also slightly more deformed than CE 399, possibly for the same reason. However, this bullet came close enough to duplicating all wounds in both men with a single shot, with a bullet having little deformation. Thus the theory, while technically improbable, was proved to be much more plausible than previously thought."

Telegraph UK: No Time For Oswald To Fire 3 Bullets

Posted: Thu Oct 25, 2007 12:40 am
by barndog_Archive
I used to work with a guy whose dad was one of the doctors that performed the autopsy on JFK.

That's it.