collection of indicators that shit s gonna go down fall 07
Posted: Thu Aug 30, 2007 3:17 am
Rick Reuben wrote:newberry wrote: That's why people were also quite anxious during the Cold War
Probably just the conspiracy theorist in me talking here, but I think suspicion that the enemies are amongst us is higher ( much higher ) than it has been previously in US history, and that breeds paranoia. There was suspicion about the 'real' reasons for WW I or the Depression or WW II or Vietnam in their times, but not like the suspicion that many of us feel about the Oz-like world of the War on Terror.
Not only that, but this supposed paranoia, heightened or not, is seemingly a symptom of the fact that it's obvious something is wrong, and mass cognitive dissonance ensues. Add all the typical generational and cultural clashes, and you have the recipe for a fine paranoia...