Things you splurge on

I'm all for sanitary and responsible rendering of meat, fish, poultry, etc., I try to buy local meat, and as a carnivore I am aware that killing animals for food involves suffering on the part of the animal, and I've made my peace there. But I've never understood it when people who routinely eat animals are dismayed to find that they actually contain animal products.

Things you splurge on

a 2300 sq. ft. home just south of San Francisco.

Got lucky on our underbid, even in this market the house is already worth $100-$250k more than when we bought it last year if you can believe it.

We needed a new sliding door (still had the original alum shitty 1960s door) for the back yard so we splurged on a Pella door. The neighbors behind us went w/ a vinyl half slider and whenever we look at it , the pella door just looks so much better

triple pane glass, microblinds inside the 3rd pane etc...

absurdly expensive but once I saw the material in hand of the vinyl slider... i was sold on pella.

We paid a premium but it improves the look of the game room so much and the outside looks better, its way better for regulating temp, better for the cat, better security (triple locks)

Literally 3x the cost of the white plastic doors but worth the splooge.

I price compare just about everything else I buy (clothes, games, electronics, food...) and while we did price compare pella, going w/ custom designed and install .. only pella themselves really offered the full service.

Things you splurge on

I tend to be frugal during the week and then kinda let loose on the weekend to reward myself. It usually starts out with a pizza and some m&ms on Friday night (I party hard,) and then continues through the weekend with CDs, food, coffee, activities to placate my ladyfriend, etc.

I'm also finally admitting to myself that, as a musician, I'll need to appropriate certain monies toward fine instruments, and thus I just purchased a stupidly-expensive cymbal from online.

Things you splurge on

Babies, I store them in my basement. Not sure what I'm going to do with them yet, but I better come up with something quick because they're getting hungry and a few of them are starting to smell bad. But they're my weakness whenever I see a baby for sale I have to have it no matter the condition. I have a couple retarded ones, one precious little girl with a hair lip so wide I'm thinking of asking Robbie Knievel if he would like to jump it and one from Canada.

Things you splurge on

YardDancer wrote:
uniquebassplayer wrote:The other day I splurged on organic milk. $3.80 for a half gallon as opposed to the same price for a gallon of the steroid, anti-body filled version.

The organic milk thing is new to me too. I find that it's awesome! My girlfriend tells me that the commersh-grade stuff has pus in it. That hippie is probably just trying to scare me. But really, I think there is a difference, even in cooking. In drinking, it seems obvious.

I am trying to cut down on the luxuries lately but this organic milk thing might have to stay.

It is so good on my frosted mini wheats! From now on when ever I can swing it I'm going with the organic milk.
Good Luck,

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