by Hexpane_Archive
a 2300 sq. ft. home just south of San Francisco.
Got lucky on our underbid, even in this market the house is already worth $100-$250k more than when we bought it last year if you can believe it.
We needed a new sliding door (still had the original alum shitty 1960s door) for the back yard so we splurged on a Pella door. The neighbors behind us went w/ a vinyl half slider and whenever we look at it , the pella door just looks so much better
triple pane glass, microblinds inside the 3rd pane etc...
absurdly expensive but once I saw the material in hand of the vinyl slider... i was sold on pella.
We paid a premium but it improves the look of the game room so much and the outside looks better, its way better for regulating temp, better for the cat, better security (triple locks)
Literally 3x the cost of the white plastic doors but worth the splooge.
I price compare just about everything else I buy (clothes, games, electronics, food...) and while we did price compare pella, going w/ custom designed and install .. only pella themselves really offered the full service.