I do Web design and rich Web application development for the Bank of America. I'm the only UI guy on my entire floor.
I use HTML/CSS/JavaScript/AJAX, Flash/FLEX and I do a fair amount of pixel-pushing as well.
It's OK. Pays the bills pretty well. The people I work with are cool.
State and Describe Your Job
42barndog wrote:busbus wrote:I work at the big university in my state. I work in what's called the Middleware group. We do identity management for around 80,000 people on campus. We basically munge data from a bunch of sources of data that we don't control into a single identity. I help provide access to this data via web services, direct DB access, LDAP access, and a few other lame ways. I write code in Perl mostly, some Java. Lately, I have been sitting through meetings, being ridiculed by other staff folks who want me to say yes to them wanting to do bad things. It seems as though it's bad of me to ask why or rather any questions about what they are trying to do.
Anyone know of a job doing this sort of crap in Chicago?Madison is getting too small.
Start playing around with PHP or Rails - lots of opportunities if you couple that with knowledge of web services / database / LDAP.
I already know PHP. You can write some really ugly code in PHP. I always get the impression that Ruby on Rails, etc. hasn't really matured to a point where there is wide spread adoption.
State and Describe Your Job
43I do product write-ups. I post the features and specs of pro audio and video products for online sales. Basically data entry (copy & paste) with specialized details. Totally boring. After over 3 years its time to move on and find something with some advancement potential. I need to make more money. Problem is I don't even know what I'd be qualified for. Anyone got a job for me?
I do currently have the best boss I'll probably ever have. That's nice.
I do currently have the best boss I'll probably ever have. That's nice.
That dog won't hunt, monsignor.
zom-zom wrote:Fuck you loser pussies that hate KISS.
Go listen to your beard-nerd aluminum guitar shit. See if I care.
State and Describe Your Job
44slincire wrote:I work in a library at a big corporate law firm. They're not that evil though, so it's not so bad. The incredibly amount of waste is though. The number of books I throw away and all the wasted paper, and the fact that all these fucking books these fucking lawyers use are available online is all really frustrating to me at times.
I do this but for an investment bank.... but actual books are a thing of the past. I don't know of any large banks that have a real libraries anymore. So i'm paid to research online all day. I find stuff out about anything that someone might be interested in. It can be really interesting - I get to spend weeks investigating a subject that I'm interested in, and then brief people about it. But it can be extremely dull too, hours spent trawling for the most inane dry information. Bankers are a special breed of dickhead too - I imagine Lawyers are their close cousins though.
State and Describe Your Job
46busbus wrote:I already know PHP. You can write some really ugly code in PHP. I always get the impression that Ruby on Rails, etc. hasn't really matured to a point where there is wide spread adoption.
You can write some really ugly code in any language. If you know Java, there's a lot of work doing that as well. I believe Rails has reached the point where it is here to stay - there are scaling issues, but developers I know seem to really like it.
State and Describe Your Job
47zom-zom wrote:Wow, lots of nerd-work. What a surprise.
It's important to do nerd work if you want to get along with the other aluminium guitar nerd rock guys.
That's where you went wrong Zom-Zom.
State and Describe Your Job
48B_M_L wrote:slincire wrote:I work in a library at a big corporate law firm. They're not that evil though, so it's not so bad. The incredibly amount of waste is though. The number of books I throw away and all the wasted paper, and the fact that all these fucking books these fucking lawyers use are available online is all really frustrating to me at times.
I do this but for an investment bank.... but actual books are a thing of the past. I don't know of any large banks that have a real libraries anymore. So i'm paid to research online all day. I find stuff out about anything that someone might be interested in. It can be really interesting - I get to spend a weeks investigating a subject that I'm interested in, and then brief people about it. But it can be extremely dull too, hours spend trawling for the most inane dry information. Bankers are a special breed of dickhead too.
I envy your lack of books, and the fact that you get to do research. My bosses handle most of that, though I did recently get a Lexis ID. I'm just an assistant, so I pay bills, send things to lawyer, and try to figure out why our crappy Citrix system is so crappy (something our helpdesk doesn't do too well). Most of the lawyers I regularly interact with are pretty cool, though some of them are just worthless sacks of incompetent shit.
State and Describe Your Job
49zom-zom wrote:Wow, lots of nerd-work. What a surprise.
I hate it when the cool kids make fun of me.
State and Describe Your Job
50Ty Webb wrote:STF wrote:Wood Goblin wrote:I, too, spent a couple of summers doing this. I'm hoping that STF's duties are more fulfilling than mine. I hated that job.Ty Webb wrote:I was one of those readers for a summer. That job was torture.
Durham, NC. Can't remember the name of the company. I spent 8 hours a day, 5 days a week, reading 5th graders' essays on "A time something funny happened."
At first, this sounds potentially amusing in a Bill Cosby "Kids Say The Darnedest Things" sort of a way. That lasted about 5 minutes. Every fucking essay, every fucking day, was the same thing - barely literate renderings of the time their little brother or sister fell down.
After 2 weeks, I wanted to stab myself in the eyes with my pencil.
I started out as a reader and for my first assignment we read Massachusetts 7th graders on the topic of "How I've Changed in the Past Year" all summer. I used to get headaches, and I never get headaches.
Thankfully, I don't have to sit there and read essays all day anymore. Mostly, I sit in my office reading this forum, playing Scrabble with a friend in St. Kitt's, and watching youtube videos until someone comes to tell me a student has threatened to blow up his school.
I like my job all right, though. What else can I do with an MFA in writing and no desire to write?
Dr. Geek wrote:I once found a soggy dollar floating in a puddle on the side of the street. I carefully picked it out of the water before it sank to the bottom. It smelled funny after it dried.