Your best ever thrift store-flea market find

burun wrote:
I still hate you.

I really, really want an Optigan, and have never been able to find one within my budget (which is, admittedly, not very large) despite my very good Cheap Awesome Gear Mojo.

I'll sell you one for $50 if I move back east in a few years and need some space....

You have GAS (gear acquisition syndrome) my friend ..I can empathize......always one patch-cord away from being the king of pop. Forever saving up and counting my beans for that one special purchase that will put me over the top. This too shall pass my friend. This too shall pass.

Your best ever thrift store-flea market find

bitsy wrote:since donuts are one of my favorite foods, healthy i know, i was amazed when i saw this


i was really disappointed with how terrible they ended up

Oh Man! My parents got one of those when I was kid. Those "donuts" were unbelievably awful.

My best find was a hank williams style western cut suit for $12. Fits perfectly. I have no idea where it would be appropriate to actually wear such a suit but I'm still glad I have it.

Your best ever thrift store-flea market find

MST3K Shorts VHS 90 cents
Friday The 13th VHS (perfect slipcase and everything) 90 cents
Galaxy Of Terror VHS $1.25
a gooseneck and cheap dynamic mic $5
good Sony portable CD player $6
King Missle - Happy Hour $1.25
Dinosaur Jr. - Where You Been? $2
Blur - 13 $2
good pairs of jeans, jackets, and shirts

One day, I'll find something really mind-blowing.
(Winters In Osaka)

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