Margaret Thatcher in hospital

Rick Reuben wrote:blah blah blahFrom what I know about you blah blah blah


two things:

I'm not "pro-globalist", and you're saying that I am doesn't miraculously make me.

also, you don't know fuck, shit or all about me.

With that, I am done with interacting you on this thread in any way. Nothing more to say to you, bye.
Rick Reuben wrote:
daniel robert chapman wrote:I think he's gone to bed, Rick.
He went to bed about a decade ago, or whenever he sold his soul to the bankers and the elites.


Margaret Thatcher in hospital

Rick, for all your comments and political viewpoints it's almost reassurring when you act like the most stereotypical dumb-ass American on the block. I think there are enough folks on here willing to chip in a few dollars each to get you a plane ticket into the UK so you can go and talk about voting patterns and graphs in, I dunno, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Liverpool even.
Your reaction is always to think people disagree with what you are saying, as opposed to disagreeing with the way you're saying it.

Margaret Thatcher in hospital

Also, re: the quotes from Simmo above

He's just saying that whilst he recognises that abuses of power take place blah de blah, he doesn't see each individual abuse as being connected to the next. In other words, there isn't some meeting room in a hollowed out volcano on an island somewhere where all the world leaders meet up and plan all this together.

Margaret Thatcher in hospital

honeyisfunny wrote:Rick, for all your comments and political viewpoints it's almost reassurring when you act like the most stereotypical dumb-ass American on the block. I think there are enough folks on here willing to chip in a few dollars each to get you a plane ticket into the UK so you can go and talk about voting patterns and graphs in, I dunno, Yorkshire, Derbyshire, Liverpool even.
Your reaction is always to think people disagree with what you are saying, as opposed to disagreeing with the way you're saying it.

But dude, that would involve Rick actually doing something about the things he was talking about. Rather then sitting on an internet music forum waving his virtual dick around, whinning on and on until people are just tired of listening despite whatever valid point he may be making.

The miners might have lost but at least they didn't just sit around talking about it. They actually did something, took some action.
Last edited by chairman_hall_Archive on Mon Mar 10, 2008 12:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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