hench wrote:artsy, taciturn, bookish, and quite social occasionally. autocratic and highly detail-oriented too. also, stay out of my room!
i'm a middle child and most of these things.
Moderator: Greg
hench wrote:artsy, taciturn, bookish, and quite social occasionally. autocratic and highly detail-oriented too. also, stay out of my room!
zom-zom wrote:Why do drummers insist on calling the little stools they sit on "thrones"? Kings of nothing.
eephour wrote:I think being an only made me a shitty room/housemate. I'm all done with college and I never want to living with another person with whom I'm not madly in love with, and even then I'd still be a little hesitant.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.
Linus Van Pelt wrote:I subscribe to neither prong of your false dichotomy.
lemur68 wrote:I've always said there are two ways to guarantee getting on the news:
1) Be found hoarding 80 animals in your home.
2) Drive through a storefront.
I'm 6/80ths the way to #1.
lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?
AnthonyVillalobos wrote:I never really thought about this shit. I have an older brother and a younger brother, but most of the time I hang around my friends instead of them.
I've learned to not be selfish and share shit, I guess, from having to grow up with two assholes that are exactly like myself.
If I was an only child I would probably be a bigger piece of shit than I already am.
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