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Culture: Goth

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 10:22 am
by abcgroupdocumentation_Archive

Culture: Goth

Posted: Mon Nov 27, 2006 2:13 pm
by that damned fly_Archive

Culture: Goth

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 8:23 am
by stipendlax_Archive
I read somewhere about this hot new band hitting the goth-core scene.

My question is, what's the difference between goth and goth-core?

Culture: Goth

Posted: Tue Nov 28, 2006 10:52 am
by Heeby Jeeby_Archive
the goths were good and all but weren't a patch on the vandals or the huns as far as general marauding goes.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:38 am
by Barry Shostakovitch_Archive ...

I don't believe this though:

"Dani suffers from a circulation problem that means he cannot walk long distances in cold weather".

Culture: Goth

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:52 am
by Cranius_Archive
Barry Shostakovitch wrote:I don't believe this though:

"Dani suffers from a circulation problem that means he cannot walk long distances in cold weather".

You'd have a circulation problem too, if you lived exclusively on Findus Pancakes and never saw daylight.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 8:21 am
by Boombats_Archive
burun wrote:
Mayfair wrote:The Classy Goth

So good...

I am laughing a little too hard at
Study dancing, fencing, horse-riding (preferably English), archery, and the like.

It has this link- How To Start A Trenchcoat Club

is that Bill Hicks???

Culture: Goth

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 9:58 am
by holmes_Archive

Culture: Goth

Posted: Tue Jan 22, 2008 7:26 pm
by that damned fly_Archive

i mean, those metal kids are hilarious too.

"i dress like the kind of music i listen to."

someone told me once that i was dressed "very post punk."

i'm generally told i'm dressed like a communist. communists are post punk.

Culture: Goth

Posted: Wed Apr 23, 2008 3:28 pm
by AnthonyVillalobos_Archive
abcgroupdocumentation wrote:

This photograph is awesome.

Goth is lame though.