French bands

crevecoeur wrote:non mais sérieux !
quelle escroquerie ces groupes !
quand tu pense que la moitié des gars sont des fils des
journaleux de Rock&Folk ! !
enfin bon, la bonne nouvelle c'est que ca passera aussi vite que les
Boys band... :lol:

Nous sommes bien d'accord.
Je ne pense cependant pas que cela passera aussi vite que prévu.
Par contre, la bonne nouvelle, c'est que ça va susciter des vocations et par là, faire découvrir aux jeunes plus curieux que les autres qu'il existe toute une scène rock underground plus intéressante que toute la soupe qu'on nous sert à longueur de temps.
En ce sens, c'est véritablement une bénédiction, l'émergence de ces groupes.

I translate :
It was said that some of these bands are crap.
They sell records because they are the children of some people writing in "Rock 'n Folk" a french rock magazine.
Sylvain told that they are part of the rock scene in France, so they can be in this post.
I think that these bands can drive young people to the underground rock scene. You start to listen to a very famous band and you search for others. These bands will drive younger people to rock and in this way, they're good.
For example, I will take Nirvana : Cobain always talked about underground bands to the journalists. Just to let people able to look at them.

PS : always sorry for the bad english... :oops:

French bands

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:Anyone else here dig the compilation of french post-punk called So Young But So Cold?

Never heard it. Care to Sendspace it? Pretty pretty please?
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

French bands

Deity Guns

Still have their 'Trans Lines Appointment' LP on vinyl (I think) but haven't listened to it in aeons. Remember it being interesting, and no more. Lee Ranaldo produced it if that counts for anything.

Found a link to it here. Not downloaded it myself, and not sure if it's OOP, so be sure to consult your own moral code before downloading.

French bands

the letter o wrote:Deity Guns

Still have their 'Trans Lines Appointment' LP on vinyl (I think) but haven't listened to it in aeons. Remember it being interesting, and no more. Lee Ranaldo produced it if that counts for anything.

Found a link to it here. Not downloaded it myself, and not sure if it's OOP, so be sure to consult your own moral code before downloading.

I have this album. I like it.
Deity Guns then became Bästard and now, some of them play in Zëro (I posted the link in the very first message of this thread).
Stella Peel

French bands

Sly Bug wrote:
lemur68 wrote:Daft Punk

that's all I got

Not my cup of tea at all but world famous:
Daft Punk (Paris)

C'mon, man, you can't deny the unfuckwithable vocoder break in "Harder Better Faster Stronger."
iembalm wrote:Can I just point out, Rick, that this rant is in a thread about a cartoon?

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