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McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 10:27 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
This thread is a prime example of why I don't post here very much anymore.
Not that you miss me - I'm just sayin'.

Carry on. I'm going to be figuring out how to be in Faiz Zeppelin, even though I'm a 12 hour drive from Chicago.


McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:10 pm
by losthighway_Archive
I don't recall stupidity being a commonly used term amongst intelligent atheists. That is a term for the dogmatic. There are plenty of overly dogmatic atheists, but to assign them that view point is its own kind of bigotry. That is like claiming that all theists are of the belief that agnostics are bound to hell for eternal damnation. A lot of these arguments rest on oversimplified caricatures of the people on either side.

The enlightenment did indeed seek to eliminate stupidity. Intolerance, fundamentalism and beating the war drum under the banner of god is stupid. This is not an automatic characteristic of religion in general, it is only inherent in religion at its worst. Religion is not stupid. People are. Many of them are religious.

Let's not forget also that most of the founding fathers leaned towards deism, which employs a much different view of the word God than fire and brimstone Calvinists. It is quite possible that God (notice the words Jesus or Yahweh were not employed) can have a sort of ad hoc liberal arts connotation in the constitution. It could refer to pantheism, or a naturalists reverence for the plant and animal kingdoms as containing their own streak of the divine.

In whatever case, implying that someone's lack of belief in the concept of God is grounds for dismissing their rights would be more at home in the Spanish Inquisition not in this forum.

Likewise, implying all religious people are stupid is an unfortunate ignorant tendency of popular modern thinkers.

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Mon Jun 16, 2008 11:10 pm
by Dr Geek_Archive
Dr. Geek wrote:Atheists are misogynistic, racist traitors that should be afforded no rights under the Constitution because of their beliefs (or lack thereof).

Everyone clear on that?

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:16 am
by DrAwkward_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
DrAwkward wrote: i fully admit that my own belief is illogical, irrational, and ridiculous.

We are posting bullshit to a message board. Develop some goddamned perspective for once in your life.
Looks like peer pressure has claimed another victim here. They put you right inside their prison. You're not supposed to be embarrassed that you believe in God, you know. Just letting you know that. You're not supposed to make sheepish apologies for your faith just because you're on a message board full of atheistic bigots.

Wrong. I never said i was embarrassed. Find the quote where i said i was embarrassed. Admitting that faith is an illogical and irrational thing, yet still having it, just makes it stronger.

By the way, i really am amused by the part where i explained the logical fallacy you claimed didn't exist, and then you deflected the conversation toward my so-called "embarrassment." That was awesome.

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:18 am
by stevenstillborn_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:It is the atheistic bigots who want to break the linkage between their unalienable rights and the authority that the founders named as the source of those rights: the Creator.
Yeah, I don't think the atheist on this board are trying to do that. You're trying to say that's what they're doing, but that's not what they're doing. I'm willing to bet that most atheists (not all, but most) believe that human beings have rights just because they're human. That fits right in with the philosophy laid out in the Declaration.

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 1:49 am
by Dr Geek_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:

If atheists argue that faith is a behavior that points to low intelligence, then they are arguing that the most faithful races are the dumbest.

Case closed for the fourth time.

Don't forget their misogyny!

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:01 am
by stevenstillborn_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
stevenstillborn wrote: I'm willing to bet that most atheists (not all, but most) believe that human beings have rights just because they're human. That fits right in with the philosophy laid out in the Declaration.
But that's not the language of the Declaration. The language is 'they are endowed with unalienable rights by their Creator'. The ungrateful atheist bigots are too petty to give credit to theists for their unalienable rights. They bash theists as primitive and stupid, when the theists used the authority of a Creator to give the citizens of this country the best set of rights of any citizen anywhere.

They're a bunch of ungrateful pricks if they can't give thanks to theists for their rights.
But according to the language of the Declaration, people have those rights. They don't need to "give thanks" to the theists for it. They have the right regardless of who they think "gave" it to them. Or, even if they think that no one "gave" it to them. Look at the idea expressed in the sentence you're quoting. The idea is that people have these rights naturally. As long as we agree on that, then fuck the rest. Let's remember the idea they were arguing against. They were arguing against the divine right of kings, which said that people had rights based on who their parents were. These new guys said that people just HAD rights because they were human. THAT is the revolution, not that we should all bow down to thank God.

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:11 am
by DrAwkward_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote: Why do you choose to define faith as illogical or irrational?

BECAUSE IT IS! THAT'S THE GODDAMN POINT! If there were a logical reason to believe in God (i.e. proof), there would be no point in having faith that s/he exists. The whole point is to say "look, this is absolutely crazy, and there is no proof and it flies in the face of logic and reason, but i still believe." That is what faith is to me, and that is why i find it so goddamned powerful. It works for me. On a very private, very personal level. I don't talk about it a lot because it's very difficult to explain (obviously, since you're either not getting it or, like usual, are more interested in being on the winning side of an argument than really understanding where someone else is coming from), and i don't feel the need to justify it to anyone.

This is one of the few instances where i fall back on the shit i took from Christianity that actually made sense; when Jesus tells his followers "when you worship, don't do it in public out amongst the hypocrites; do it in the most private room of your house by yourself," that makes sense to me. So that's what i do. Except in cases like this, where someone's just being a fucking dick and trying to bully other people until he's "won" an argument.

I wouldn't expect you, as an agnostic, to understand any of this.

Rock Reuben wrote:Because science is completely helpless to prove that God is present or absent, there is no way to make a judgement about the rationality of faith. But if you want to fit in by using the language forced on you by the atheistic bigots, that's up to you. I just know this: if I couldn't confidently and proudly believe in God, I'd question why I was doing it in the first place.

Mother Theresa her fucking self questioned her own Faith numerous times. Fuck you.

Shit, Jesus doubted his faith in the Garden of Gethsemane the night before he was crucified! Fuck you!

If atheists argue that faith is a behavior that points to low intelligence, then they are arguing that the most faithful races are the dumbest.

Bullshit. I've already explained why it's bullshit, everyone saw it, everyone here knows you're full of shit. Fuck you.

Did i mention fuck you?

Because FUCK YOU.

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:26 am
by stevenstillborn_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
stevenstillborn wrote:But according to the language of the Declaration, people have those rights.
Boy, you are really struggling with the phrase 'endowed by their Creator', aren't you?
Just doesn't compute in your brain, does it?
Yes, indeed, it does.
If it was understood that people had these rights, why did it require a Declaration ( naming the Creator ) to demand these rights??
But the point is not to claim these unalienable rights. It's to say, "we can all recognize that people should have these rights; if we have them, than government can't push us around; you push us around, so we have the right to cast you off." Where the rights come from isn't important, it's the fact THAT we have them that's important.
( The answer is in the document, BTW- right in the title: Declaration of Independence. As in: we are not subjects of the King, we are creations of God ).
Nope. You were SO CLOSE that time. "We are not subjects of the king," YES! "We are creations of God," not really the important part of the declaration here, is it.
Have you ever read the thing?
I have. Several times. And today, again.

If you continue to try and reimagine the Declaration as a secular document, you're going nowhere. That's not reality.
That depends on what you mean by a "secular document." As I've said, I'm sure that the signatories believed in God. I'm also certain that they wrote in such a way that atheists would be included. My view seems to be supported by the vagueness of the "god-words" employed and by the personal letters and philosophy of the document's chief architect.

McCain Unable To Understand U.S. Declaration Of Independence

Posted: Tue Jun 17, 2008 3:58 am
by Hans_Archive
OK I admit I only SKIMMED through the first page of this thread but I can state with confidence that human rights and the metaphysical argument of whether god exists or not are two, though not absolutely, separate issues. Again, it's a matter of consistency, of course metaphysics is more fundametal. I would hope that would save us a lot of this superficial back and forth arguing two sides of the same coin. Whatever McCain has to say about anything, ignore. Until the Republican party disassociates itself with religion (Christianity), it should be totally shunned. I'd rather see a slow crawl into fascism rather than a fast sprint.