where should I move?

sack of smashed assholes wrote:I'm considering moving. more so than anything, I'm not happy, I'm not playing music, and I feel like shit. I'm in a rut right now. I hate my job, and all the promise of moving up hasn't happened. I have a two year degree that has gotten me no where. the whole idea of going back to school, I've thought about it, but I don't know if I can afford to do it again.

I feel like I should maybe move on, instead of signing a lease and being miserable again for a year, bitching to people about my job, and getting drunk every night I'm not working. maybe, it really is time to venture into the unknown.

We're pretty much in the same situation. I'm considering to move to Marseille, and I'm going there in a few weeks time for an interview.

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