Drugs You Have Done

Total votes: 12 (57%)
Total votes: 3 (14%)
X (No votes)
Speed (No votes)
Total votes: 2 (10%)
Total votes: 2 (10%)
Total votes: 2 (10%)
Morphine (No votes)
Total votes: 21

Drugs You Have Done

cannabis (grass, skunk, solid), speed, lsd, magic mushrooms, fly agaric, cocaine, opium, tippex thinners, nail varnish remover, ecstacy (pills and powder), heroin (in ecstacy pill), Ajax (not recommended), glucose powder, salvia, NOx, mixed herbs, prozac, lansoprazole

cracking evening that was
As a youth I used to weep in butcher's shops

Drugs You Have Done

Weed, alcohol, tobacco, mushrooms, Robitussin (in mass doses), LSD, inhalants, Percocets, Vicodin, hashish, opium, Special K, cocaine, Xanax, GHB, Ritlin, ecstasy, heroin, PCP, Klonopin, salvia.

I think that's basically it. I may have missed a few and I tried to put them in the order I experienced them, but toward the middle it gets a little "fuzzy." Yes, I tried weed before alcohol.

For the record, I never shot anything up, or smoked crack.

And even though I did cocaine habitually for a long time, I never developed a significant "problem" with it; it was always around when I was personal assistant to a relatively famous writer who shall remain nameless.

Weed, alcohol and tobacco are the only drugs I can say that I really developed any kind of significant dependence on. In that order. Still somewhat active with all of them, but in moderation. Actually, haven't smoked weed in almost two months, but I will be making my triumphant return in less than two weeks, and I don't feel bad about it at all.

Drugs You Have Done

I've gotten drunk many a time. Alcohol is drugs, right?

One time I attempted a bonghit. I'm pretty sure I did it wrong, and since I was already really drunk I wouldn't know if it had its intended effect anyway.

That's it. Not even cigarettes. Probably have had 2nd-hand pot highs on occasion. Oh, and I went through a spell when I'd take a slug of cough syrup to help me sleep.

Im hard bitches
tocharian wrote:Cheese fries vs nonexistence. Duh.

Drugs You Have Done

lemur68 wrote:I've gotten drunk many a time. Alcohol is drugs, right?

One time I attempted a bonghit. I'm pretty sure I did it wrong, and since I was already really drunk I wouldn't know if it had its intended effect anyway.

That's it. Not even cigarettes. Probably have had 2nd-hand pot highs on occasion. Oh, and I went through a spell when I'd take a slug of cough syrup to help me sleep.

Im hard bitches

If you take a bong rip for your first time especially while drunk, you'll know if it worked or not.

I fear the bong since the last two times I was in Chicago. I ended up hitting one everytime I was already drunk and would just spend the rest of the night puking on some lawn.
lemur68 wrote:Why would you be where a jam band is playing in the first place?

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