What s your dream job?

tommydski wrote:I'd be a baker. No really.

I've had this job. I did it for a while when I lived in Austin. Was not a bad life, really. The hours were long, however, and, like anything else, your quality of life doing it kinda depended on your mgmt and co-workers.

I've sort of lucked into a dream job really. It's not perfect or anything, but nothing is.

Still, riding a bike all over town, pulling people along, listening to them ooh and ahh as they take in some sights I don't even get sick of...it's a step or two away from being a rock star I tell ya.

Believe me or don't, but I'm at least quasi-content at the moment.
You call me a hater like that's a bad thing

Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.

What s your dream job?

Cook. My favorite job ever. The perfect mix of creativity, precision, manual labor, efficiency (when done correctly) and non-verbal communication. I loved it for the five years I did it. Sadly, the money and hours just don't work for me.

That or professional student. I'd like to study physics and get my master's in philosophy.

Neither of those are that unrealistic, I guess. My dreams are pretty simple.

What s your dream job?

Master Carpenter.

I absolutely love carpentry and would love to have the opportunity to work with beautiful, exotic wood and also use really nice power tools. Basically to be Norm Abram.

However, I think I'd be almost as happy as a hyper-critical, pedantic, hate-filled travel writer.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

What s your dream job?

To be logical and reachable; currently, Ship Manager in Marseilles.

Argh! CMA CGM Human Resource Department (Marseilles), please reply my mail and call me just like you promised few weeks ago. I just want to hang out at a Mediterranean beach and smoke Gauloises all day, pretending to be the next Jean Paul Satre, or Albert Camus, or Serge Gainsbourg, or Pablo Picasso, or George Orwell. Oh how I love Gauloises!

That, or a cook.

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