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academics playing nasty charades

Posted: Tue Oct 12, 2004 8:53 am
by Andrew L_Archive

I didn't intend to start a flame war with anyone so I won’t bother with any more ‘you said, but I say’ or ‘you say I said but actually I say I say. . . ’ shenanigans. I tend only to play such games with girlfriends and I've never excelled at them (and toomanyhelicopters, I’m sure Steve appreciates your expert counterattack so it doesn’t matter that I can’t be bothered to read it).

I quoted your post but ended up extrapolating from your points to positions clearly not your own without effectively distinguishing between the two (as in the 'mis-quote', etc). "My bad."

I’m not in disagreement with anything you say in your last post (other than your reading of parts of my post, but that’s an endless game).

I did say, after all:

Of course I DO AGREE whole-heartedly that finding people to be around whom you admire and respect is a better solution than adopting a programmatic, self-righteous attitude among assheads.

