God: Eric Clapton?
41He's so terrible I have to laugh every time he plays that one about seeing his son fall out a window. Or whatever the fuck.
Moderator: Greg
ozzy lee harvwald wrote:Clapton gave guitar rock the clap and has never recovered. I am so fucking glad there is a forum were you can say CLAPTON SUCKS SHIT THROUGH HEFTY BAGS and not get booted. Say this in some classic rock forum and they'll wanna cut your throat.
I say we take to this war to their house. Just find any old shitbag classic rock forum. I'm too lazy to google any.
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.
robert thefamilyghost wrote:DrAwkward wrote:I know a guy who used to run around telling people that Clapton threw his kid off that balcony so he'd have a hit record.
"would you know my name...if i threw my son off a balacony? i'd make a lot of money, if i threw my son off this balcony"
Itchy McGoo wrote:I would like to be a "shoop-shoop" girl in whatever band Alex Maiolo is in.
garble wrote:He's so terrible I have to laugh every time he plays that one about seeing his son fall out a window. Or whatever the fuck.
alex maiolo wrote:ozzy lee harvwald wrote:Clapton gave guitar rock the clap and has never recovered. I am so fucking glad there is a forum were you can say CLAPTON SUCKS SHIT THROUGH HEFTY BAGS and not get booted. Say this in some classic rock forum and they'll wanna cut your throat.
I say we take to this war to their house. Just find any old shitbag classic rock forum. I'm too lazy to google any.
Oh! OH!
I'm raising you a Stevie Ray Vaughn!
We can say that here too.
Keep 'em coming people. It's idol shooting season and I'm ready to hunt.
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:MayorofRockNRoll is apparently the poor man's thinking man.
Eric Clapton wrote:"Would I go to jail, if I sent you to Heaven;
Boost my record sales, cuz I sent you to Heaven;
You fell for sure, from the fourth floor,
And I know, I pushed you there; into Heaven."
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