by enframed_Archive
MatthewK wrote:[Passive decisions don't stick. If you don't want to smoke, you will stop as a result of that desire, even if the process is bumpy.If you hope some external factor will cause you to stop, that means you still want to, and any stoppage will be temporary until you resume doing what you want to.That's not quite true. One of the easiest ways to quit smoking is doing so when some big external factor is involved: moving house, becoming ill so that you don't want to smoke, a new job. All of these are great times to break the habit, which is all smoking is, a habit. We all had places and times we smoked, when those change and habits are disrupted, it's way easier to quit.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.